Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Iraq Quagmire - You broke it, you fix it, there is no other way to learn!
by darcy Saturday, Sep 6 2014, 12:24am
international / prose / post

Part of the process of becoming a mature responsible adult is taking responsibility for your actions, it is something that all caring parents endeavour to teach their children. However, some flawed personalities and adolescent nations fail to learn the basic lessons of survival. Dick Cheney, a classic textbook sociopath, has never accepted responsibility for his mistakes and faults, he and all other sociopaths always make excuses, lie or blame others; however, sociopaths are very quick to accept praise and acclaim, genuine or fabricated.

It should therefore be readily appreciated that personality characteristics/traits also apply to nations/states, some nations are mature responsible ‘adults’ that accept responsibility for their actions while others are clearly immature, delinquent and destructive adolescents that want it all the easy way; readers will have no difficulty attributing personality qualities to nations today, after all, what is a nation but a mass of people with a group consciousness/'culture?’

Historically, Washington was fully aware that invading Iraq would end up a “quagmire,” Cheney rightfully and accurately -- I didn’t say he was a dunce, I said he is a sociopath -- explained why in stunning clarity, see video below. So the USA went in with eyes wide open and knew exactly what to expect and how the situation would devolve into a quagmire. And so we have the US made mess today in Iraq and like good responsible friends and adults we should say to Washington you knew and we also told you so, so clean your own mess and LEARN, thank you!

But the pathological USA is not about to become a mature healthy adult with a view to sustainability and survival, it remains a self-destructive, impulsive delinquent and bully that either intimidates others or bribes them into compliance with its PERVERSE wishes.

So today we have a press headline that reflects Australia’s infantile, apron-string-grasping pathological condition. Washington is well aware of the pathetic subservient mentality of Oz politicians on all sides and demands unquestioning obedience, which it gets without hesitation these days, especially after Howard, Rudd and grovelling Gillard, who allowed the US military to physically occupy Oz and make us a primary nuclear target in the process, which we were SURELY NOT prior to Gillard!

The issue of course is the Iraq quagmire and not accepting responsibility for one’s actions but demanding the involvement of others in your ONGOING crimes and personal FAILINGS, America.

I would add that I am a veteran with highly specialised skills and would remind all Oz politicians that I, and my comrades, did not fight to be anyone’s slaves, lackeys or criminals. I remind all lackey, spineless politicians that you live and breath because we allow it, America can do NOTHING to save you if we decide to end you corrupt, treasonous existences -- BE ADVISED!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1274.html