Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Oz Mega-Retailers Target Staff
by consumer Thursday, Sep 4 2014, 2:48am
international / prose / post


Coles’ new MD, John Durkan, recently confirmed he will slash up to 500 jobs in IT and middle management, thanks for all the help slaves and suckers, and co-duopolist Woolworths has embarked on ‘cost cutting measures,’ which translate as harassing departmental floor staff to take on new duties they did not apply for and in many cases are not suited to perform; lower management is also expected to work up to 10 hours/week for free on contract, goodbye weekend family unity and recreation!


I need not state that these two mega-retailers are multi-million dollar companies and rely on the loyalty and efficiency of their dedicated floor and other staff, which are responsible for the multi-million dollar profits which CEOs and MDs apportion to themselves in sky-high wages and bonuses -- Coles’ former MD Ian ‘ACCC’ McLeod, has taken home an OBSCENE $55 million since 2008; to say that upper management has double standards and is taking lower staff for granted would be gross understatement.

It becomes obvious that EXPLOITATIVE upper management of both companies require a lesson in Australian traditional values -- NO-ONE DOES IT ALONE in business and regardless of how many staff are hired from third world nations and the Indian sub-continent, which accept exploitation as natural, this nation will not tolerate slave conditions and/or large scale exploitation on principle, morality and of course culturally, the Oz ‘FAIR GO!’

Consider profiteering companies that require hapless lower management to work more than a day for free (10 bloody hours) which effectively trashes a weekend family/recreational day and Coles that seem to have forgotten how they increased their profit margin, and staff may decide to research how Oz became one of the fairest nations regarding pay and conditions in the world, notwithstanding the gold mine for lawyers that harassment litigation INVITES. Upper management may choose to reconsider how it deals with loyal staff and Oz cultural values before action forces the issue. Cars do not run without engines and companies fail without loyal staff, I would have thought that REALITY was obvious!

[Affected staff should be aware that unions today are corrupt and in the pockets of management, however, highly effective store specific action and numerous legal solutions exist. Staff may also consider posting this article -- as fair notice -- in meal rooms nationwide]

to be continued ...


Coles relevant:
It has come to our attention that a department manager recently transferred from the Randwick store to Bondi Junction Eastgate store has without any consultation or discussion with staff, re-arranged rosters for the entire team and has issued the ULTIMATUM, "take it or leave it," to shocked staff!

In view of the fact that staff have marital, university and other responsibilities, this arrogant and abrasive ultimatum is not only out of order but defies local industrial work practices; staff must be given options if new arrangements are to made that disadvantage anyone. No options were offered in the form of re-deployment, transfers to other departments or re-training. As a result of this inappropriate behaviour from management one staff member, originally from for the Indian sub-continent and unaware of her rights under Australian Industrial law, has unfortunately resigned under duress. Other staff have been grossly disrupted by this new manager's abrasive manner and tactics.

I would suggest that ALL Coles managers follow existing protocols and familiarise themselves with AUSTRALIAN industrial law and work practices before they shoot their stupid mouths off and attract negative impacts on the entire company -- the regional manager (Mark) has been informed and we hope to see a fair resolution of this matter and the cessation of these outrageous workplace tactics.

Wesfarmers be advised as Coles' Melbourne head office is staffed with 'group thinkers,' 'buck passers' and evaders of responsibility, see dedicated site.

Woolworths relevant update information will be published shortly.


Woolworths relevant:
The three most important factors in retail are, quality control, customer service and production efficiency; one need hardly state the obvious, however, the obvious seems to have escaped the attention of Woolworths managers that are suffering from a ‘top down’ managerial command structure, which kills initiative and creates ‘group think syndrome,’ which in turn drastically reduces awareness and induces morbid ‘navel gazing,’ which in turn creates ‘performance paralysis!’

A case in point is Woolworths Bondi Junction, a former well run high performance store which has been slowly failing since a bunch of like minded (naturally) imbeciles in senior managerial roles have shifted focus from important issues onto floor staff ‘retraining,’ which is negatively impacting customer service and QC.

Woolies Bondi Junction has lost the plot on the three most critical aspects of retailing and is now completely absorbed in 'navel gazing’ in the form of attempting to force staff, via harassment and pressure tactics, to retrain in roles for which they are not suited, or are opposed to due to disposition and the pressure of force from upper management. It translates thus; a fresh produce stock filler being ordered to learn cheque-out skills and register procedures and/or work in tobacco sales and perhaps the deli.

The fact that staff are reticent and hostile to force is completely understandable and one would think a multi-million dollar company would have sought professional advice from industrial psychologists prior to attempting to force the issue, which now has floor staff seeking legal advice for harassment in the workplace with a view to litigation, a very lucrative and easy area for lawyers.

Now to procedural and QC failures which have escaped the attention of department and store managers.

For the past MONTH(!) roast chickens have been offered BURNT to customers, when questioned about this problem staff blame faulty ovens and/or settings but that does not account for the horrid taste of the internal meat, which tastes like shit and burnt rubber, my cat even turned its nose up at the chicken meat which it usually relishes! I would emphasise that this problem is ONGOING not a one-off ‘accident’ -- anyone that wishes to inspect these burnt offerings is at liberty to do so, as management is oblivious to the problem.

There is no doubt that the supermarket is under competitive pressure from two Coles outlets which offer specials across the board on a regular basis and a recently opened Aldi outlet in Bondi Junction; nevertheless, that situation is all the more reason to adhere to regular attractive specials in fresh produce, bread/bakery and groceries, which, I might add, occurred regularly under previous store management. Today, however, the navel gazing, completely distracted mental lepers running Woolworths BJ carry the highest prices in the area with very irregular and limited specials in groceries and fresh produce, however, regular discounting of bakery products continues but not as frequently as before.

It is known that both duopolist supermarket chains, Coles and Woolies, source the majority of their stock from the same suppliers and should therefore be able to match each other in any discount war but current Woolies management continue to maintain the highest prices in Bondi Junction; no Einstein is required to figure why customers are abandoning the store in droves. Needless to say profits are nose-diving for the want of aware and efficient store management, the removal of the current crop of clowns suffering from severe ‘job loss anxiety’ induced by an antiquated ‘top-down’ hierarchical command structure is advised. Focus on critical issues should never be compromised for any reason whatsoever!

My advice to shoppers, shareholders and investors is look elsewhere until things improve, the disastrous situation outlined above will be reflected in share prices very soon!

Relevant comment taken from sister site follows:

Managerial deception, dishonesty, incompetence and uncompetitiveness
by Woolies insider

Elite upper management decides it needs to implement questionable or unpopular policies, in order to facilitate acceptance it manipulates the share price with negative policy directives which temporarily depress share prices which then allows for greater flexibility for upper management to convince shareholders and those in opposition that hair-brained new ventures should be implemented to boost share value -- the failed Woolies SIM card for mobiles is a good example, millions went up in smoke due to inadequate research and rushed policy. Did anyone lose their privileges, position or bonuses? No, elite management (inclusive of directors) cover for each other, whereas lesser staff are severely reprimanded for petty offences and then abused with roster changes and cut hours -- it should be noted at this stage that upper management are essentially corporate criminals, notwithstanding that that label applies to most corporate elites today but particularly to monopolists and duopolists. Coles’ long list of regulatory breaches, court appearances and million dollar fines verifies the fact; however, Woolies gang are (were) far more subtle and sophisticated, a previous CEO went straight from that position to an elite position in the Reserve Bank of Australia, appreciate that connection if you would!

Woolies’ elite are in panic mode today due to Coles’ spectacular performance, Woolies had a share price of $29 while Coles was half that figure before some very basic implementations, which amounted to frequent ‘specials,’ or discount pricing and better service; no rocket scientist is required to realise that customers always chase a better quality deal.

And so, what is inept Woolies forced to do due to its GROSS MISMANAGEMENT, blowing millions on inappropriate decisions and gambling when retail is all about price, efficiency and service, MANIPULATE the figures (HIH style) with ‘cost cutting,’ which you have thankfully covered, and high, uncompetitive pricing! For example: shoppers are acutely aware of rocketing prices, laundry powder, $10.00, cheese $12.00, hair shampoo $7.00, eggs $7.00! Fresh produce prices are racing with Lebanese cucumbers unjustifiably increasing by $1/kilo almost every three weeks for the past three months, other fruit and vegetable prices follow closely behind.

What is clearly required is a stiff broom to sweep the insular and incompetent board of directors and upper management out the door. AND I note, even in that regard, Coles’ new MD has beaten Woolies to the punch.

Coles has already relieved itself of the burden of incompetent managerial staff and has easily out-sourced certain departments; however, Coles has a lot more work to do, it is presently supporting THREE State managers in NSW while only one efficient manager, that is able to DEAL with, not avoid situations, is required.

Woolies' imbecilic decision to pressure floor staff in an attempt to appease and present lower cost figures to the market place may soon backfire with massive harassment litigation due to zealous, uneducated store managers, suffering job-loss anxiety, crossing the line on Australian industrial law and fair work practices.

There is a lot more I could add, some of which would see some of Woolies corporate elite facing criminal charges; however, as an Aussie I prefer to offer reform possibilities before placing guilty criminals before firing squads.

In conclusion I wish to thank the people behind this website that have provided a space for informing the public anonymously about the corrupt and incompetent state of affairs in the duopolist Australian retail market place, ACCC be aware.

New Coles MD John Durkan has some neglected matters to attend to!
New Coles MD John Durkan has some neglected matters to attend to!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1272.html