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Obama: Anti-Democracy to the Extreme
by pied Wednesday, Sep 19 2012, 1:07pm
international / prose / post

Democracy Under Siege

In the clearest and most definitive manner possible the US president has demonstrated to the WORLD his thorough CONTEMPT for REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, Liberty, due process and Justice.

Obama, Servant to the Plutocrats
Obama, Servant to the Plutocrats

It should be worthy of deep thought, reflection and analysis that the leader of the 'supposed' most free and democratic nation in the world is fighting with manic determination to be able to indefinitely detain citizens without charge, trial or the possibility of challenging shadowy accusers -- just who does this black PUPPET really represent because he certainly DOES NOT represent the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES or the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY -- it couldn't be clearer?

Rather than mindlessly accepting the role of trained, powerless, slave workers and media consumers of ideological garbage we should be challenging the forces that clearly wish to lock us down, oppress and enslave us.

It we fail to constructively and actively engage our societies and prevent the downward spiral into totalitarianism we should expect evermore attacks on our freedoms and liberties until all are lost.

Follow link for additional information:

It should also be noted that Australia's PM -- and Washington doormat -- Juliar 'carbon tax' Gillard, is also 'reviewing' local terrorist laws and entertaining the inclusion of indefinite detention!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-126.html