Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

What does it matter?
by rayn Saturday, Aug 23 2014, 1:36am
international / poetry / post


it is the work
that is premium
artists are merely mediums

artists die
but their work,
if noteworthy,
lives on
as a tribute
to the creative power

so why seek fame?
in whose name is
the creative process?
there is only ONE

as life is not created
by humans neither is
the creative process,
wherefore this absurdist vanity,
the ‘all about me’ narcissism
of deluded egoists
that imagine they actually created
something --
there is nothing new
under this sun?

if i am praised
i am a thief,
if i am criticised
or berated i accept full
responsibility --
for that which is good
i cannot take credit,
attention to the artist
distracts from the work

if i sought attention/fame
i would promote myself
not the productions

i shall never take the bait
the lure of recognition,
narcissists all die young,
vanity kills as surely
as any other disease

i have discovered that
anonymity has a quality
that famous works lack,
an edge, a mystery
judged purely for their
inherent characteristics
which define and remind,
without interference
from reputation, myth
or contrivance,
each work stands alone
it must develop its own
power to survive

so i must remain true,
in order to preserve what is valued
and reject what is worthless,
otherwise u would lose ur way
in life

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1256.html