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Why David DeGraw's 'Wave of Action' Failed
by sadh Sunday, Jul 20 2014, 3:34am
international / prose / post

The simple answer is that everybody that sub-scribed was waiting for someone else to do the work and take action. Such tactics are doomed to fail before they get off the ground, as is now historically evident.

I do not question DeGraw's zeal and dedication, which is obvious, but I certainly do question his methods -- I mean, directionless, leaderless 'OCCUPY!' How in the hell was that supposed to W-O-R-K? Leaderless groups or movements must have direction or at least a manifesto to which people could subscribe.

As is now abundantly clear both led and leaderless groups have failed miserably to effect change or even to endure for any length of time -- and I need not be reminded that we live in an induced flash-in-the-pan society.

Point made, now to effective solutions.

How to deal with already enslaved, digitally captive generations that imagine they are free? That is the first sad reality that must be addressed?


As you decode and interpret these sentences you are constructing a 'REALITY,' your OWN reality (naturally) -- we know that the entire world revolves around 'you,' especially the X-Y 'ME' generations, u'll have to xcuse me cuz i can't blieve u ppl, LOL! Sorry, I'm indulging myself -- SEE? But I'm doing it consciously as opposed to being swept along by the likes of Miley Cyrus sticking her stupid, ignorant ass in your moronic faces -- get it? To be conscious of a process gives you some degree of objectivity and reduces your slave status considerably. Which, of course, points the way doesn't it, morons? But err, dur, which way? i'm so habituated to digital enslavement i can't think for myself anymore, i'm becoming part of the 'Rothschild' Borg collective. lol - well, you got that right?

So back to you, imposed reality (nightmare) and the World you wish to change -- a very noble and essential pursuit I might add.

If you would be FREE then free yourself by first understanding the forces superimposed on your consciousness that enslave you!

So, we have discovered that you live in a 'box' of someone else's design, religion, politics, nationalism, digital culture any culture etc; in fact, everything you THINK is derivative, you couldn't be more enslaved if you allowed yourselves to be genitally groped at airports! So everything you think you are has been constructed by external forces, how fuckin' tragic for you and all the other drones that live in boxes, waving flags imagining they are free.

Which returns us back to the indicator the 'WAY' out, have we got it yet? Yes, it's you as no other entity is closer to you than you, except perhaps one but we needn't address that at this stage, though if you succeed you will come face to face with it and how very sweet it is!

If you wish to change the world then the prerequisite is to change yourself FIRST, as you are the fuckin' WORLD, stupid; all your induced and learned behaviours are derivative/of the world, SEE? So we must 're-form' (great word) ourselves before we are ABLE to RE-FORM the world, and as the world revolves around 'YOU' that shouldn't present a major problem, especially for the 'ME,' X-Y gens - LOL!

To be continued, but please think about what we have covered so far and attempt to preempt the next stages, or better still, offer your own constructive suggestions -- use the publish feature in the left column.

Back soon ;o)

OK, here we are again and the few that have made positive contributions, I thank you.

So now that you are aware that you are the centre of the universe and everything revolves around you, it should be easy to effect change within self and by consequence in society.

We are taught from infancy to sub-scribe to various existing pre-scriptions -- as infants we do it automatically, without question, as we instinctively adopt what we imagine are survival mechanisms. However, while nature reflects the adequacy of this method the perversity of humankind subverts this process and as a result we adopt all manner of survival and destructive perverse behaviours, but do not despair as nature has indeed supplied us with the means of our liberation; consciousness and its ability to choose and effect change or reform from within -- I do not wish to detour into pop psychology and/or metaphysics so I would refer you to some essential reading.

After familiarising yourself with the discourses of Krishnamurti, it should be apparent that two types of human inhabit any society, those that go with the status quo and those that actively oppose it. So where do you stand?

Those of you that wish to implement positive change have realised that culture exists in the mind, which is fortunate as the mind is a marvellous apparatus, it is the most effective weapon against any ideological construct. Every mental construct is therefore immediately amenable to change but first that mind must be free of the polluting influence of the construct it wishes to reform.

When clarity is achieved (via distance/separation) or simple objectivity we begin to see major flaws and weakness in the mechanisms of society so it becomes a simple matter to choose a cultural construct which has the most potential/explosive power to effect the change desired and cause a culture to implode; in our case it is obvious that the most explosive event upon which the social direction of the past fifteen years is based, is the 9/11 false flag operation or conspiracy.

Today there is not a sane, informed person that buys the government cover-up story, the wealth of scientific evidence available in the public domain that clearly supports the inside job conspiracy is OVERWHELMING, nano-thermite, sequenced demolition explosions, building seven and the missile damage to the Pentagon structure all blow the feeble government story out the window of reason. The evidence all points to a conspiracy at the highest level of government and the involvement of the Israeli Mossad. So it makes perfect sense to utilise this event as the focus of social energy and locus for leveraging the criminal government from its present position and restoring the warring United States to peaceful co-existence and sanity; notwithstanding it would also deal with the most heinous, rotten to the core, criminals that have ever held sway to the nation, I refer to Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and other neo-cons that were willing to murder their own people in order to further their own perverse permanent war, corporate interests.

So rather than beating constantly at the branches the people should strike at the root structure and watch the corrupt, rotten tree collapse.

Actively supporting focused, skilled groups that are primarily involved in exposing 9/11 is a readily available means by which every criminal in Washington and Wall St., could eventually be hanged by the neck for their horrid crimes against America, other nations AND the hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been devastated or destroyed by the criminals that have hijacked the USA..

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