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Political Incrementalism
by des Saturday, Jun 28 2014, 12:22pm
international / prose / post

Whenever ruling elites wish to impose highly distasteful policies onto the masses they do it incrementally -- inch by inch over an extended period of time. This method is less likely to cause a reactive response and delay the imposition of whatever new evil elites have in mind for the moronic masses.


In order for the moronic, servile masses to accept unpopular policies they must become accustomed to being screwed up the arse in stages. Former Oz PM John Howard understood this principle and utilised it to full advantage; however, current Oz PM Tony Abbott, a Howard protege, seems not to have learned this valuable lesson or he fancies himself as exceptional. His method of implementing unpopular policies is to dump them in one huge pile on the heads of the public after lying that he would never introduce any!

And so Tony Abbott, in possibly the most outrageous manoeuvre in recent political history, is implementing classical austerity measures in the wealthiest per capita society in the modern world, quite a feat! Australia’s wealth is vast but the public and government see very little of the huge (trillions of dollars) wealth that Transnationals plunder and take off shore to avoid their tax responsibilities.

To accomplish this absurd political strategy Abbott must first convince the public they are impoverished rather than wealthy. He does this with the assistance of his master, Rupert Murdoch, who maintains a fantastic media campaign of crippling debt rather than focusing on the real reason the government is broke, mega-wealthy corporations not shouldering their tax responsibilities!

Murdoch has had much practice distracting entire populations, his American media maintains a constant fear campaign to justify the numerous illegal wars of plunder America engages in today. After a period of fifteen years this campaign has clearly been successful; so convincing beer-swilling Aussies they are broke, is child’s play for Murdoch.

Abbott, in the most treasonous manner possible, is ignoring the national interest and implementing policies for an unrepresentative criminal global elite that desire to financially enslave the entire world. We should all note that many nations continue to impose the death penalty for treason and so they should, as it is the most despicable crime any politician could commit against his own people and nation. If Abbott does not recognise the seriousness of his offence then he truly is a fool and not the exceptional politician he imagines himself to be.

The economic problem in Oz is not ‘crippling debt,’ it is a lack of fair taxation and diminishing REVENUE from the most wealthy enterprises in town. Continue to serve minority interests at your own very great risk, Mr Abbott.

Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1206.html