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Preparing for the Holocaust
by justinian Tuesday, Jun 17 2014, 2:00am
international / prose / post

Nuclear nations upgrading and expanding NUCLEAR arsenals -- pathetic! But we should all remember that is was the AMERICAN neocons over a decade ago that trashed all the treaties and forced other nations to maintain parity with sociopathic America.


Think about it for a few minutes cos that's all it takes to realise what a pathetic tragic, reprobate species man is. Rather than sit around a table and resolve differences cooperatively by consensus man resorts to bombs and bullets to settle differences, as if that solves anything! Can you hear the billions of war dead from the past screaming, you pathetic, moron, idiots?

This is exactly what happens when the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY allows criminal minorities to rule -- what the fuck is WRONG with you people, you race to your avoidable destruction rather than remedy an obvious problem?

The global masses are able, in a few days, to remove the sick criminals from the halls of power and RESTORE real democracy, justice and equality to their respective nations. Would you rather be led by nihilistic psychopaths to your CERTAIN DEATH than remove a few criminals that haven't got a chance against the masses?

This appears to be the second only period in history (Nazis,1) when the masses did not take appropriate action to restore sanity to their nations/WORLD. Perhaps YOU may have second thoughts about appropriate action when we're all glowing in the dark!

Report from CommonDreams follows:

World Powers Expanding and Upgrading Nuclear Weapons Arsenals
by Sarah Lazare

Nations known to possess nuclear weapons are modernizing their arsenals while failing to rapidly cut stockpiles, showing that nuclear weapons remain embedded in military strategies around the world, a new report finds.

Released annually by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the report finds that China, France, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S.—the five countries with nuclear arsenals deemed 'legal'—"are either deploying new nuclear weapon delivery systems or have announced programmes to do so." Meanwhile, China, India, and Pakistan are actively expanding their nuclear weapons.

At the beginning of 2014, the U.S., U.K., France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea possessed a combined total of 16,300 nuclear weapons.

This is a reduction from the 17,270 at the beginning of 2013, thanks largely to cuts by Russia and the U.S., which together own 93 percent of the world's nuclear weapons. Yet "the pace of reductions appears to be slowing compared with a decade ago," note authors Shannon Kile and Phillip Schell.

Furthermore, the fact that these reductions occur alongside the ongoing modernization of weapons stockpiles shows that "none of the nuclear weapon-possessing states are prepared to give up their nuclear arsenals for the foreseeable future," according to a press statement about the report.

The U.S. has a stunning 7,300 nuclear warheads, the report shows.

While the Israeli government has never publicly admitted to owning nuclear weapons, report data shows that Israel is illegally in possession of 80 nuclear warheads, making it the only nuclear weapon state in the Middle East.

The report notably does not include Iran among the the list of nuclear weapon states.

This data shows that nuclear weapons remain endemic to militaries across the globe, despite international agreements to disarm, including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea are not currently signatories to.

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Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1188.html