Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

The Secret Weapon
by sal Saturday, Jun 7 2014, 2:31pm
international / prose / post

The following video is very well done indeed, it leads -- military style -- victims to the slaughter and the victim is YOU.

During my university days we often had students from other faculties attend our humanities lectures in the hope they would be able to improve their communication skills. Students from the Marketing faculty had a particular arrogant air about them borne of the skills of persuasion they were mastering.

During tutorials they would explain and demonstrate their craft and of course it was undeniable that their methods were effective -- they could arrive at mathematical probabilities of success, which were never far from the real mark/outcome.

They touted how they marketed a flavoured milk product, consumed by teenagers and youths to young adults (yuppies) up to 35 years of age by 'sophisticating' and glamorising the product, which was nonetheless the same infantile flavoured milk. They were able to target that demographic so effectively they assessed (accurately) that sales would increase by twenty to twenty-eight percent. I was both impressed and appalled by the essentially DISHONEST methods they employed to SELL ANYTHING successfully! And so we have the nightmare, climate catastrophe and perpetual war world we live in today!

If you have ever wondered how criminal ruling elites and OUR corrupt puppet governments operate with impunity then watch the video carefully and learn the secret. The context is marketing and the food industry with emphasis on how cruelly farm animals are treated, however, it also applies to the general social context and how millions of innocent human beings are murdered by OUR criminal governments and why nothing is done about it!

After watching it try and have a nice day and if you are really brave, link it to others.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1174.html