Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Narrowed Options -- Either we learn to cooperate and live together or we Will surely die together
by fay Wednesday, May 28 2014, 11:58pm
international / prose / post

Humans pride themselves on their achievements and cite their superior intelligence as the reason and yet simple, self-evident Truths escape humanity's grasp. The TITLE is plain fact today and yet instead of focusing on co-operation and sustainability, humans are racing to extinction with the world's most technologically advanced nation leading the way.

Puppet Commander-in-Chief
Puppet Commander-in-Chief

It is incumbent on all sane people to refer to the above Truth constantly as there is no logical argument against it today. It is plain fact able to be understood by children yet the best brains in the world are unable to deal with a simple, self-evident REALITY.

It should be constantly shouted from the rooftops until deniers are forced to confront what they know to be true but are too afraid to confront. And that is another oddity of the human race, no-one wants to die, however, today people would rather die than deal with an issue that requires courage and determination to remedy.

And so the MEEK -- unless that refers to insects -- will never inherit the earth; it would not be hospitable to mammalian life in any case!

So the REALITY is this, humans are not as smart or as brave as they think -- in fact they are demonstrably very stupid and cowardly to the extreme.

The epitaph of the human race would read -- 'a failed species that lacked the courage and will to survive.'

How could any sane person or nation on this earth tolerate an ideology of perpetual war?

Lemming Automatons
Lemming Automatons

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1158.html