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Could a New Populist Movement Fight Off Oligarchy?
by ernie Saturday, May 24 2014, 1:45pm
international / prose / post

A title (above) on one of the alternative news blogs caught my eye but sadly it also carried the response to the question it raised.


It is a given that the most powerful social force on the planet is the masses, the MORAL, paralysed with fear, and completely subdued, tame MAJORITY. The masses are able, as history bears witness, to reform any society and haul criminal ruling elites before peoples' courts and dispense justice according to the heinous mass murdering crimes insular elites and their puppet politicians/cronies are guilty of (today). However, the chances of a sustained relentless direct action against the criminal status quo is more remote today than at any other time in history. The fundamentals for change are lacking, not in the oppressive and unfair policies of ruling elites but in the character and ability of the modern nose-ringed crowd.

Gone is the sense of outrage over heinous crimes, mass murder, infanticide and a host of other deplorable crimes our leaders brazenly commit almost daily. In the USA the population has sunk to unimaginable levels of enslavement and subjection; it now tolerates genital groping at airports! What could we expect of such a subdued and subjugated population? Short answer is absolutely NOTHING but more of the same social paralysis.

Europe continues to harbour some standards and the remote possibility of change/reform but the real force, power and passion for change is more evident in Asia than in any other region. So, rather than flog a dead western horse, the few remaining clear thinkers in the West should support the massive populations of Asia and assist them overthrow their corrupt and oppressive regimes. Perhaps the west, if shown how to move on corrupt governments and their regulatory forces, may remember how they once possessed the will and spine to fight COLLECTIVELY for Freedom, Liberty and Justice!


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1150.html