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Oz PM Abbott a Reprehensible Corporate-serving Scumbag
by mitch Wednesday, May 14 2014, 9:29am
international / prose / post

And so, the DUPED, easily conned, beer-swilling, wine-imbibing naive population of Australia have just had their first real taste of the character THEY voted into office and a very bitter budget taste it is! I have never been one to say, ‘I told you so,’ but ‘I told you so,’ many times.

Abbott sucking up to plutocrats Rinehart and Murdoch
Abbott sucking up to plutocrats Rinehart and Murdoch

Abbott’s AUSTERITY budget -- in one of the most wealthy nations (the wealthiest per capita) in the WORLD -- has effectively reduced TAX and other financial pressures on the ALREADY bloated Corporate/Banking sectors, pampered OBSCENELY RICH plutocrats, Rinehart, Murdoch and Packer, who are among the wealthiest people on the planet, acquiesced to corporate sector demands NOT to target them for much needed government REVENUE but has, in the most despicable and COWARDLY fashion, targeted the most vulnerable people in Oz society; young inexperienced job seekers, very old and frail pensioners, disabled pensioners and others that have worked all their highly taxed lives CONTRIBUTING TO THE WEALTH OF THE NATION in the expectation they would be able to live a modest frugal life without pet food on the menu on a tax-EARNED pension.

However, MINORITY-SERVING (treasonous) Abbott, who is clearly devoid of all mercy/compassion and is now the proven polar opposite of ALL TRADITIONAL AUSTRALIAN VALUES (especially the ‘fair go’), has put an end to the once fair outcomes that all working Aussies (that shouldered the largest tax burden, up to 47% of income) expected.

Abbott has in fact ROBBED average Aussies of their DUE and allowed RAPACIOUS, PARASITIC CORPORATIONS to rape and plunder the nation with ever more abandon by reducing their already minimal tax burden! Describing Abbott as the proverbial bit of dog shit on the end of a stick at this moment would be complimentary; there are no words to adequately describe such a treacherous, non-representative, duplicitous, heartless, un-Australian COWARD such as Tony Abbott -- and of course that applies to all members of his Party for allowing him to trash the cultural heritage of AUSTRALIA.

Abbott’s clearly partial and UNFAIR budget is perhaps the most antithetical to Oz cultural values that has ever been released by any government since federation. Abbott has allowed the wealthiest exploiters of the nation to return the least in taxable revenue for the government instead that reprehensible COWARDLY scumbag, is attempting to eradicate all entitlements and remove the social safety net for which Aussies have worked toward for generations -- the POINT IS THIS, WILL WE, AVERAGE AUSSIE WORKERS AND FAMILIES, ALLOW IT? Will we demand a PLEBISCITE and remove Abbott and his treasonous crony conservatives from office NOW, no delaying or waiting until the next federal election which notion Abbott and treasurer Hockey are attempting to sell to the public -- we DO IT NOW and WE DO IT EFFICIENTLY.

Australians constitutionally own the entire resource wealth of the nation but see none of the TRILLIONS of dollars in profits which are effectively STOLEN by TAX AVOIDING Transnationals, mega-mining companies and other corporates including the bloated, un-regulated thieving Banking sector.

Well, I’m not sure about you but not a snowflake’s chance with true blue patriots that have contributed and fought for this nation -- we certainly did not fight to be screwed by a minority-serving enemy from within and if we are forced to re-establish traditional Oz values the hard painful way we will. Every time I see a deceptive, LYING, conservative politician I know what must be done, and that is eliminate them before they eliminate Australia by transforming it into a little America, the most oppressed, undemocratic nation in the western world!


Aussies are NOT genitally groped, fear-paralysed, profoundly DUMB Americans, we are easily able to set an example and galvanise the world. Good representative government in this strategically critical region is potentially able to wield enormous geo-political power; the treasonous lackeys in Canberra must be removed if this nation and the people are to prosper.

Demand a plebiscite now and jettison the treasonous, LYING, unrepresentative filth from Canberra, PERMANENTLY!

Abbott mentor, war criminal John Howard, 'I have to be in Washington for 9/11'
Abbott mentor, war criminal John Howard, 'I have to be in Washington for 9/11'

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1139.html