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Perpetual War and Bulldozer Politics
by jaxie Tuesday, May 13 2014, 12:44pm
international / prose / post

The “give war a chance” ideology of US neo-conservatives has failed and failed miserably for obvious reasons -- war suits only those that do not have to fight it but profit from it, as for the rest of humanity war is known as the most tragic and appalling of all human activities, we simply cannot escape the fact that humans are born to love not kill.

Human beings love spontaneously but are required to undergo rigorous indoctrination and training to fight and kill other humans in wars of aggression.

The war economy of the USA is possibly the most threatening and destabilising force the people of America face today. To base a nation’s prosperity on war immediately dooms that nation -- history books are replete with the reasons why.

War requires the warring nation to instill perpetual fear in its population in order to minimise any social resistance to war. Regardless of the many pretexts for war, societies that live in constant fear pay a huge price as fear is the most CORROSIVE, taxing and draining of emotions; constant fear 'burns out' people and nations from the inside. It creates and inward looking, disconnected society that loses touch with its core values (itself) and everyday reality shared by the rest of the world.

The alienation that fear and divisive politics creates allows for the horrendous abuse of local populations; recently the world has experienced a new variation of an old political trick, promise the world, lie through your teeth to the people, get elected then renege and backflip on every promise/pledge and bulldoze a pre-existing minority agenda through society.

How much perversity a culture or society is able to endure before collapse depends on a number of assessable conditions, however, the state of ‘health’ of any nation is immediately apparent as it is impossible to disguise, and any half-trained eye is able to see that the USA is in rapid irreversible decline. America is hollowing out from the inside.

I could write many more pages in the above vein but we are all aware of the causes and conditions to which I refer. So, rather than continue in the negative I would confidently state that it is time to purge the poison of fear from our lives and embrace love wholeheartedly in thought and action. No training is required to embrace love, simply let go of all imposed perverse values, fears and lies.

Simply make a conscious choice, perpetual fear and war or perpetual Love, harmony and peace.

Isn't it wonderful that I do not have to labour and attempt to convince you of anything, truth and Love are self-validating.

It is time to give Peace a chance.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1138.html