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Tony Abbott is chasing Gillard into Political Oblivion
by baz Wednesday, May 7 2014, 1:36am
international / prose / post

It is ironic that Abbott is falling victim to the same forces that defined Gillard as a pariah politician, who, I would add, remains the most reviled Oz politician in our history. But bigger fool Abbott as he led the field in bashing Gillard for ignoring the Oz population and serving minority elite interests -- Goldman Sachs designed carbon tax and Corporatists in general.

Abbott and Gillard
Abbott and Gillard

Gillard, a ‘Labor’ politician (believe it or not) pre-empted NSA universal spying by supporting a bid by the corporate sector to legally spy on the emails and other digital communications of employees years before Snowden’s revelations; she pursued this outrageous policy while deputy to Rudd in the hope that it would curry favour with minority elites and assist her political career -- which it did!

Gillard unambiguously defined herself as a servant to the plutocrats and traitor to the people very early in her career, and the Australian people reacted accordingly as they no doubt will react to fellow LIAR and sell-out, Tony Abbott -- this is NOT ‘genitally groped’ America, boys!

It may be time for a Biblical quote for Jesuit trained Abbott, ‘you cannot serve two masters,’ Tony, you cannot be representative and faithful to the majority and serve a selfish greedy TAX AVOIDING, anti-Christian, corporate elite. Faced with this classic Biblical dilemma, Abbott chose the money and corporate elite, which Jesus detested; perhaps another reading of Luke and the temptation of Christ is required for LYING HYPOCRITE, Tony Abbott, and a ‘gentle’ reminder that according to the NT Tony consciously chose to serve Satan; the text clearly defines Satan as owner of all material wealth and political power in the world! Poor Tony, he is clearly a failure in all his undertakings and a very miserable political specimen indeed -- take note of the word INTEGRITY readers and Abbott’s bankruptcy in that area.

It becomes plain that tragic Tony and reviled Gillard were/are constrained by exactly the same sinister forces that refuse to shoulder the responsibility for the GLOBAL economic collapse they created (via criminal FRAUD and their unrestrained greed) and the pathological need to avoid paying their due to society via TAXES -- the average person has always carried the heaviest tax burden in Oz society, but enough is enough -- the FAT CATS must pay their due via a fair TAXATION system or literally through their noses -- the choice is theirs; however, be assured, in the very near future, they WILL PAY!

So there sits plutocrat serving (Rinehart and Murdoch) Tony Abbott, squirming and shuffling, attempting, rather badly, to LIE and shift responsibility for his horror budget and political ‘backflips’ to his ministers. It is amazing that plutocrats have not yet learned that a well trained dog does not make a good politician -- have you learned nothing from the Gillard experience or do plutocrat ‘talents’ only extend as far as cheating, lying and stealing money?

The solution as always is SIMPLE, force Abbott and his lucklustre team, NOW, to apply the same tax burden on the wealthy and the corporations as they do on the people -- again, the following, simple TAXATION SOLUTION should apply, “those that benefit most from the nation should return most to the nation!” That is Oz fair play and a solution to diminishing REVENUES, Tony -- leave pensioners and the socially vulnerable alone you despicable, mammon-serving coward! Target especially the TRANSNATIONAL corporations that are raping our nation at speed and taking Trillions of dollars in profits offshore to AVOID their TAX responsibility.

The PEOPLE are looking to YOU, Tony, and waiting for you to stop wasting precious taxpayer funds, $60 million searching for a ghost plane, $15 billion on proven under performing US flying ‘lemon’ F-35 fighter jets. I remind you again Tony, your actions are clearly visible to the population and they do not like what they see! If you pursue your current minority-serving policy directions not only will you never live it down, you may find yourself in a political ‘bloodbath’ much sooner than your masters anticipated -- they know you are entirely expendable, Tony. Do the right thing for Oz; YOU are the PM, not Murdoch or Rinehart.

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