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Big Lie American Politics and WWIII
by jude Saturday, Apr 26 2014, 7:38am
international / prose / post

It was fascist leader Adolf Hitler who said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed!” Enter today’s neo-fascists in Washington -- note that America has allied itself since the Balkan wars with known fascist and extremist groups that all fought with Hitler during WWII, Albanians, Bosnians, Croatians and now western Ukranians -- coincidence? I think not! The world is CLEARLY dealing with a new fascist, military expansionist, America; and if you require additional verification, look no further than puppet dunces, John Kerry and Barack Obama, who have both been lying through their transparent teeth since they failed to capture the valuable assets of the Ukraine -- western (fascist) Ukraine has no natural resources to speak of, hence the panic to regain control of eastern and southern regions.


However, today’s America has failed to heed the lessons of history on numerous recent occasions. For instance, fascist liars have very short reigns -- where did all Hitler’s lies and propaganda get him and Germany, death ruin and devastation, all of which are waiting just around the corner for America.

The same tactics used by America today were first used by Nazi Germany, “blaming the victim” and “telling fairy tales” about critical situations. Many WWII veterans cannot help but notice the similarity between America today and Nazi Germany; however, then as now, reality is denied in home nations, to the greatest inevitable cost, I might add.

Kerry’s and Obama’s latest whopper is that ‘Russia’ is hell bent on starting WWIII; this comes from the leaders of a nation that is KNOWN to have adopted a ‘perpetual war ideology’ in order to service its HUGE armaments and ‘defence’ industries. Obama and Kerry’s lies are so absurd and contrary to verifiable reality that it beggars the imagination that they would try to deceive in such an obvious and facile way, but they've been advised to follow the script Nazi style and forget anyone with an average IQ or above! Well, Hitler did the same and look how far he got -- dream on America!

Only one nation today has a permanent war ideology; only one LUNATIC nation has waged illegal wars with numerous other nations for over 15 years -- and is now preparing to have an all-out confrontation with two other superpowers; only one nation today persists in the war crime of civilian killing and extra-judicial murder; only one nation has an indefinite detention law while denying the RIGHT of the accused to a fair trial; only one nation passed laws to allow the genital groping of its citizens; only one nation brazenly lies to the face of the entire WORLD when the truth is widely known! Which nation, well, it certainly is NOT Russia!


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1108.html