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Oz Abbott Gov Compliantly Confirms ‘Increased’ Order of ‘72' F-35 Flying Lemons
by mitch Wednesday, Apr 23 2014, 12:28am
international / prose / post

As the rest of the intelligent, independent world withdraws support from America’s latest jet fighter flying lemons, the custard-faced, Washington compliant, knee-walking, Oz lackey government increases orders of this fault-ridden, under-performing, over-priced, flying disaster. Need we mention the recent telephone exchanges between Lockheed Martin, Washington and the Abbott ‘yes boss’ government? However, PM Abbott’s undisguised servility to a foreign power (treason) is not the issue today.

Superior design and combat ability, Sukhoi jet fighter at a fraction of F-35 costs
Superior design and combat ability, Sukhoi jet fighter at a fraction of F-35 costs

A number of western nations have wisely chosen not to confirm orders of this expensive KNOWN faulty aircraft; but a call from Washington and our custard-faced, knee-walking lackeys in Canberra fall over themselves to comply with FOREIGN wishes and to hell with local representation and the nation’s best interests -- ‘we’ need cushy jobs after our treasonous stint selling out Australia!

It comes at a time when the Treasurer is screaming we have no funds to spend on citizens, we all must work in our coffins and then receive postmortem pensions. There is no money (LIE) and that’s why workers must live like slaves while TRILLIONS of dollars annually are taken offshore by tax-avoiding, transnational, mega-corporations raping our FINITE resources and returning virtually nothing to the Oz people that CONSTITUTIONALLY OWN the nation’s wealth!!!

Tens of billions of dollars are to be wasted on this American aircraft which under-performs against the Russian built Sukhoi jet fighters purchased by our S.E. Asian CLOSE neighbours for a fraction of the cost that Oz is paying for a flying lemon -- successive Oz governments have in effect SURRENDERED air superiority in the region to Asia in order for American corporations to turn a stinking profit -- it makes a patriotic ex-military man spit.

So the next time Abbott or his lackey Treasurer, Joe Hockey, open their LYING MOUTHS just wave kneepads in their custard faces.

Follow link for background story:

U.S. arse-licking Oz PM, Tony Abbott
U.S. arse-licking Oz PM, Tony Abbott

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1102.html