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Things as they Are
by stefan Thursday, Apr 17 2014, 1:38pm
international / prose / post

I find it extraordinary that almost the entire world has overlooked the fact that since the orchestrated, illegal, Balkan intervention -- which continues today in the Ukraine -- the USA has continually aligned/allied itself with extremists and former fascist Nazi groups. For example, the US has consciously, intentionally allied itself to former Axis powers and nations/groups that fought with Hitler’s Nazis during WWII. Muslim Albanians (modern Kosovars) fought with Hitler against Yugoslavia and allied powers during the second world war; the US has also allied itself to one of the most brutal Nazi groups of WWII, the Croatian Ustashe, indeed Croatia fought against the allies and Yugoslav partisans in WWII, add to that another inglorious Balkan group of friends, Bosnian Muslims, which of course fought with Hitler against the allies and Yugoslavia!

TODAY what do we SEE? The USA allying itself to former Nazi fascists in the Ukraine -- it seems that fascists actually won WWII, they simply waited until the 21st century to declare their victory!

Today, America plainly prefers to ally itself to extremists and fascists; suddenly former allies that opposed fascism and extremism are now the enemy and have been demonised while former fascist enemies are now victorious heroes and noble ‘humanitarian’ knights of honourable wars! Former fascists have been embraced by America, a nation that now loathes and demonises moderates and civilised men of reason and peace.

I need not labour the point -- suffice to say that things are not as they appear to be -- instead an old adage applies, “you are known by the company you keep;” indeed, America today is irrefutably FASCIST and is fast becoming a totalitarian police State.

The astonishing thing is that America’s transformation is bloody obvious, but it seems that few are able to see the obvious! The world can ill-afford this peculiar form of blindness.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1096.html