Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Disunity of nations will be the undoing of civilisation
by stan Tuesday, Mar 25 2014, 10:49pm
international / prose / post

From any point of view you care to take, climate, economy, environment, politics etc., they all (everything) fundamentally relates to SUSTAINABILITY.

The greatest enemies of finding solutions to the now CRITICAL problems the world faces are self-interest and disunity. If we are to survive then radical remedial action must be taken -- in fact it has become an IMPERATIVE.

I now draw your attention to the most self-interested, divisive, destructive social force force on he planet, AMERICA, the heart of the problem. This perverse nation must be reined in or it will destroy itself and take all of us with it -- if America were a person it would have been locked up long ago for the good of the greater community.

If America refuses to cease its destructive, mass murdering pursuits then the nuclear option not only becomes imperative, it becomes an absolute necessity -- I kid you not!

History CLEARLY records that on each occasion a rogue nation threatens the security of the majority of nations, the global majority have banded together as one to vanquish the rogue and today there is no greater law flouting rogue than America!

The time has come again! It is far more preferable to lose one nation than an entire planet -- America is not only rogue it is profoundly sociopathic, perverse and sick to the core. As a social species the human race survived on mutual co-operation NOT violent opposition. If early man followed America's example today, none of us would be here.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1069.html