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Rapacious Transnationals and Mega-corporations targeted by Oz Tax Department
by joyce Tuesday, Mar 18 2014, 11:19am
international / prose / post

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is a bureaucracy and the Oz government is owned by plutocrats and their multinational interests -- so what is wrong with the headline?

Google chairman, Eric Schmidt
Google chairman, Eric Schmidt

We are aware why the ATO is pursuing the likes of Apple, Google and Microsoft and perhaps mining and resource companies, as they are habitual tax evaders and engage in moving profits overseas to avoid local tax responsibilities -- after all, profit is theft/exploitation and the corporations on the ATO hit list are expert in making profits; however, a brief description of what is meant by PROFIT is required at this stage, I quote from a sister site in pursuit of an Oz mega-retailer:

“... it should be clearly understood that profits do not come from thin air, someone has to be short-changed (suppliers/producers), underpaid (staff), and ripped off (consumers) -- that is where and how Coles make their filthy profits, make no mistake. And when they get caught for their “deceptive” practices and vile tactics they attempt to deceive, distract then obfuscate, but they continue to stubbornly refuse to rectify obvious problems, as the content of this entire site amply demonstrates.”
In a word, profit is ‘THEFT;’ the ATO is dealing with organised criminals and deceptive thieves that also happen to own our and most other western governments. So its easy to view this entire media campaign cynically.

Oz has a population of only 23 million and Transnationals take trillions of dollars in profits offshore every year. Then the spineless, lackey treasurer announces that Oz is hundreds of billions in national debt, WHAT! A debt which results directly from spineless governments not extracting a fraction of the wealth multinationals extract from OUR nation. A simple taxation rule ought to apply in these situations, retrospective enforcement of owed monies and ‘those that take most, should return most!’ Tax problem solved!

I do not believe in coincidence; the US press is also running stories that government is pursuing mega-corporations for evading tax -- however, we should not forget that the plutocracy is a GLOBAL plutocracy and plutocrats may be getting nervous of the increased social awareness of the masses.

In conclusion it appears that this is merely an exercise to placate the masses; a relatively tiny amount will be extracted, with much fanfare, from the multinationals to give a misleading impression to the debt-enslaved population.




Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1060.html