Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

I have the Poetry, what do you have?
by lexi Thursday, Mar 13 2014, 9:08am
international / prose / post

The world is not made of winners and losers as the mass media would have you believe, it is comprised of the living and the Dead as was stated plainly in times of old.

"When you make the two one
and make the inside like the outside
and the outside like the inside
and the above like the below,
and that you might make
the male and the female one
and the same,
so the male might not be male
nor the female be female,
when you make eyes
in place of an eye
and a hand in place
of a hand and a foot
in place of a foot,
an image in place
of an image -
then you will enter [the kingdom]." -- from the GOT


What is it that differentiates the walking living from the walking dead? The will to overcome and survive!

Minority interests that print money from thin air are in constant terror and dread that one day the masses will wake to the obvious reality that they are the most powerful social force in existence and that they are no-one's (debt) slaves.

behind the pyramids
and monuments
the Ibis-headed progenitor
with reed and papyrus
formulated civilisation
and all its marvels

the word gave you everything
you believe is real
and constant
scribes know
that nothing is real
and constant
except flux

the gift was and is an illusion
manipulated by master magicians
in order to afford the few
an opportunity
to see
and overcome

Harold Pinter Nobel Acceptance Speech; hang off every word, words are his trade.

audio I've got the Music in me

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1051.html