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The Myths of 9/11 and Dead Aussie Diggers
by toni Tuesday, Sep 11 2012, 3:51am
international / prose / post

The Australian Parliament paused for a minute's silence to honour fallen Diggers who died fighting America's corporate wars in Afghanistan recently -- it seems it wasn't enough that we lost young Aussie lives fighting America's ideological wars in Indo-China, now our servile politicians are sacrificing our young men, at America's request, for corporate PROFITS -- there is NO HONOUR or justification for Aussies fighting such wars.

It was particularly offensive to listen to leaders from both sides of politics refer to 9/11 as a justification for involvement in America's wars. Listening to the new breed of treasonous Canberra politicians indirectly pledge undying allegiance to their US overlords was, need I say, gut turning. And this notwithstanding our pollies are acutely aware that educated, socially aware Australians do not believe the kindergarten fictions of the US official report on 9/11-- no Aussie I have ever spoken to believes the official 9/11 account.

However, perhaps there is something to be gained by these appalling political antics and the needless loss of young Aussie lives. The Australian public witnessed the shameless servitude of our politicians to America and the PRICE -- in young lives -- they are willing to pay for cushy jobs after their political tenure.

Serving another State for whatever reason is not only dishonourable it is downright treasonous, especially when that servitude involves sacrificing young Aussies for American PROFITS!

Both sides of the house invoked and referred to the WORLD'S most disbelieved FICTION -- 9/11-- to justify our subservience to America and our participation in needless wars of invasion and occupation.

It is a measure of the degree of acquiescence when educated and aware Australian politicians refer to 9/11 as a justification for anything other than proof of the existence of a criminal elite which is willing to murder any amount of innocent people in order to preserve their now very tenuous hold on global power.

Indeed, it was a very revealing day in the Australian Parliament, not least because both sides of the house exhibited their support and subservience to the world's leading civilian killing, terrorist by definition, State.

For those few not up to speed on the grand false flag operation of the century, I refer them to highly educated and informed professionals in numerous fields and proof incontrovertible that 9/11 was an inside CRIMINAL job.




Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-105.html