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Ukraine -- any which-way!
by eli Monday, Mar 10 2014, 11:10am
international / prose / post

Obama threatens to perform unnatural acts if Russia does not withdraw from the Crimea -- unverified report, but practising US media techniques, Washington double-speak, inverted logic and outright lies may come in handy -- it’s worked for America to date, but the Ukraine will be the BIG test.

Sarah Palin, all American moron
Sarah Palin, all American moron

The Ukraine is becoming quite the international headline grabber, and the Russians have no answer for the law-breaking USA and its criminal allies; however, a number of very effective options stare Russian leaders in their custard faces.

Have we all forgotten that this chapter of the sordid history of Western Imperialism began in the Balkans? What better place to end it! I refer of course to the UNRESOLVED legal position of Kosovo, which continues to be the LEGAL sovereign territory of Serbia. Russia should simply demand, on behalf of its SLAVIC ally, that NATO and the US abandon their occupation of the SOVEREIGN TERRITORY OF SERBIA, as is CLEARLY outlined by international law and supported by the last decision of the UN.

The very real threat of Banker elites freezing Putin’s assets haunts that traitorous Russian mouse. It is unlikely that today’s Russia would come to the assistance of allies, as the Soviet Union once did without hesitation.

So the problem must be approached laterally, for instance, Sarah Palin is doing the rounds rubbishing poofter Obama for not standing up to the Russians with nukes -- her breathtaking logic is as follows: “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke”. Wonderful, let’s all incinerate ourselves watching the nuclear arsenals of both superpowers reduce the earth to a molten, radioactive blob in the solar system. Good one Sarah, you staggeringly stupid American dunce -- but dig this, her audience implored Palin to run for the presidency, so there is hope that the USA could be goaded into a major conflict that would force China into the fray. A limited war would quickly escalate and we could then re-direct the panicked hordes to storm their capitals and take control -- mayhem is a blessing for smaller more mobile forces!

Now for a dose of reality -- history records that the same financial interests have been funding both sides of every major war and international conflict over the past 500 years. Whichever side wins or loses, both owe money to the financiers who never lose. In circumstances like that nations would do well to learn from a Pope that had Templar Bankers wiped out, as they had most European monarchies in their debt. It is a devastatingly simple but highly effective strategy, eliminate debt by removing parasitic creditors, perfect!

But we’ll just have to wait and see which way the Orwellian ball bounces in the Crimea -- probably horizontally. However, regardless of the direction the Ukraine takes, every effort should be made to agitate in favour of the American far right.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1046.html