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Oz minister withdraws inference that Murdoch is a "demented plutocrat"
by sam Saturday, Mar 8 2014, 10:53pm
international / prose / post

Former Goldman Sachs lawyer and current serving Oz communications minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has attempted to 'throw off' suggestions he made that Rupert Murdoch is a "demented plutocrat." It seems, like his boss, the gaffe prone Oz PM, Australia's "suppository" of wisdom and lackey to the above named (demented) plutocrat, the communications minister has also caught the gaffe or Freudian slip virus.

Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch

One does not have to look far to find evidence that Murdoch is indeed a plutocrat and is dissociative; proof of Murdoch's disconnect or dissociation is evident in his previous instructions to 'his then chosen and installed PM,' Kevin Rudd, who was sent on a Murdoch errand to no-hopen-hagen to convince world leaders to implement an ETS. Of course that little errand for the master didn't have a snowflake's chance, so next time Murdoch sent servile, show pony Rudd to Asia to convince Asian leaders to form a "NATO of the South Pacific;" that demented dream had even less chance of realisation than his previous excursion into unreality. [The global plutocracy has since installed US occupation troops on the ground in sovereign Australia as its second option.]

Well, Mr Turnbull, who is an avid reader of this and sister sites, if that doesn't prove your original case nothing will!

Murdoch has been installing and dumping Oz PMs since the Whitlam fiasco -- he is a shameless plutocrat and as for his social disconnect, that speaks for itself.

But the cogent point here is that businessmen are only qualified to make money -- they are clearly piss-poor judges of character, politics and prevailing social realities, try as they always do to make the world conform to their aberrant visions. Gina Rinehart another Oz plutocrat recently attempted to blame the poor for Australia's national debt -- she failed to notice (more disconnect) that Transnationals mining companies avoid paying their just due in taxes, which may have some bearing on national debt, especially considering the trillions of dollars in profits they make from pillaging our FINITE resources every year.

Stand your ground, Malcolm, you should know that Murdoch and his ilk are easily destroyed by astute politicians once they are installed into power, but balls are required, and let's face it, you won't find any under Abbott's obsequious speedos! So it looks like its your move Malcolm -- I could do it in a few months, consulting services are $5K/hour -- the harder Murdoch would attempt to fight back the stronger and more devastating would be his demise -- you only have a law degree Malcolm, we are specialised semioticians, marketers/ad-men, textual theorists and of course, cultural analysts and we are eminently qualified to make or destroy anyone in any society; and the bigger they are, the harder they fall! Just hope and pray, Rupert, that no-one contracts our services -- Clive had his chance but his indecision/confusion blew it!

Malcolm Turnbull
Malcolm Turnbull

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1043.html