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Ukraine -- one PNAC push too far!
by judy Tuesday, Mar 4 2014, 9:42am
international / prose / post

Events in the Ukraine have demonstrated the extraordinary differences in how a mature historical superpower deals with critical situations and how an adolescent (delinquent) superpower -- America is only 200 years old -- deals with similar situations.

Ukrainians in  Nazi uniforms today!
Ukrainians in Nazi uniforms today!

Russia intervened in the Ukraine crisis after a request from its legitimate democratically elected president to secure the eastern region and protect its people from US supported extremist forces originating in western Ukraine.

The request from President Yanukovich was both timely and indeed urgent as fascist forces (snipers) in the west were intent on a very violent confrontation with anyone who refused to accept their ideological impositions and dictates. Readers will note that all orchestrated needless deaths of the innocent in the region ceased after Russia’s intervention.

Now for a short historical perspective and we need only look back fifteen years to demonstrate with absolute clarity the criminal nature of the minority forces that have hijacked American democracy.

We should note that the so-called interim (revolutionary) government of the Ukraine in Kiev is comprised mostly of extremist fascist politicians and fascist sympathisers, with which America historically prefers to deal.

We should note that America supported Albanian criminal fascist forces in Kosovo to the extent of installing an Interpol listed organised criminal as PM of the stolen province. This America did when educated moderate Muslim Kosovars were ready to assume leadership roles -- in fact, Richard Holbrooke had Hashim Thaci, wanted for murder, white slavery, organ harvesting, bulk heroin importation and distribution in western Europe, murder the moderate group of educated Kosovars and assume sole authority in the stolen province with his known Albanian criminal brother-in-law behind the scenes taking care of ‘business' and anyone that opposed them!

As we shall soon discover and verify, America prefers to deal with criminals for very good reason, COMPATIBILITY; all criminals have similar objectives and methods. Now consider this historical fact -- Albania fought with Hitler’s Nazis during WWII while Serbia fought with the allies against Hitler and other fascist forces in the immediate region, particularly Croatian Ustashi who sided with Hitler and Mussolini to fight the Serbs and allies. The Croatian Ustashi were so brutal during WWII they actually ‘turned the stomachs’ of Hitler’s SS and Gestapo when they witnessed what the Croatians were doing to Serbian prisoners and civilians in captured villages! However, today Croatian extremists provide the perfect new allies for CRIMINAL fascist AMERICA in the Balkans!

Any police investigator would tell you that criminals adhere to consistent patterns of behaviour or modus operandi, which allow police and investigators to IDENTIFY CRIMINALS and track them down. Bear this in mind when you learn that Western Ukraine also aligned itself with Hitler’s fascists during WWII and fought alongside Nazis against the Russians!

Everything stated above is easily verified by modern historical texts on Europe.

Fast forward to today.

The USA, which happens to be the world’s leading civilian killing (therefore terrorist) nation, is happily in league (partnership) with THREE former (Nazi) fascist criminal groups.

My grandmother used say that ‘you are known by the company you keep’ or how about, ‘birds of the feather flock together?’

And of course the slogan of this site: “The price of ignorance is slavery.”

And last but not least, the logical axiom: ‘If Truth sets you free then ignorance and lies enslave you!’

Consider well before making hasty decisions to support KNOWN criminals and terrorists today -- need I mention that America utilised the services of criminal al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria to subvert standing governments and facilitate illegal by any definition, "regime change."

In conclusion it is clear that the USA is currently under the control of criminal forces; however, I would emphatically state that the situation is not hopeless, in fact, it is easily remedied. Recent events (glaring HYPOCRISY of Washington) serve to highlight what many already knew but were too intimidated to state openly -- that America is indeed captive to the most heinous criminal interests.

United, the MORAL MAJORITY is able to RESTORE justice and rid respective nations of the criminal filth that have hijacked democratic governments. Simply boycott all major (corrupt) political parties -- that is an imperative -- and install REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office at every level of government. Failing that, march on the capital IN FORCE and demand the removal from government of all known criminals AND HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT -- need I state that ALL western governments are rotten with minority serving traitorous politicians today!

Neo-Nazi agitators in the Ukraine
Neo-Nazi agitators in the Ukraine

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