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Puppet Obama Bleating like the Sheep that he is over Ukraine
by judd Monday, Mar 3 2014, 10:19pm
international / prose / post

We should not forget that puppet Obama is a qualified lawyer so he is acutely aware when America violates International Law. However, as the world knows all too well America flagrantly disregards ALL Law whenever it wishes. So it comes as pure comedy relief when effeminate, bisexual Obama accuses Russia of “violating International Law in the Ukraine” while America flagrantly violates the sovereign rights of weaker nations and commits horrendous crimes against humanity in NUMEROUS countries around the world AS I WRITE! The short list includes, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and a host of other smaller nations that are conveniently kept out of the western media.


However, the issue is EASILY resolved by a convened truly independent international court before which both Russia and the United States could plead their case, and of course existing penalties would apply to those convicted of war and other crimes against humanity -- it should be noted that at this stage, unlike America’s horrific record, Russia has not fired ONE shot in anger or killed one innocent civilian in the Ukraine. In stark contrast America has the blood of half a million Iraqi children (admitted by Albright); one million innocent Iraqi civilians; thousands of Libyans (“we came, we saw, he died" -- Hillary Clinton admission) more innocent Afghans; hundreds of thousands of black Africans, mixed North Africans, Palestinians; millions (4-6) of innocent Indo-Chinese (carpet bombing and agent orange) and thousands of citizens from various Middle Eastern nations, ON ITS HANDS!

So OBAMA, lets start proceedings IMMEDIATELY, plead your case and let JUSTICE TAKE ITS COURSE, you screaming, hysterical, divorced from reality, homosexual, sociopath -- YOU HAVEN’T GOT A HOPE IN ANY INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL COURT of LAW and you know it!

Watch your step faggot, the global MAJORITY may just force YOU TO IT, the WORLD is sick and tired of the murderous, thieving, CRIMINAL USA!

[Disseminate this message WORLDWIDE, people -- we CAN make a difference and stop these psychopaths ruining our lives and the hope of world PEACE if we are of a mind.]

Look to yourself HYPOCRITE!

Irish Parliamentarian, Clare Daly, calls Obama the "HYPOCRITE of the CENTURY!"

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1034.html