Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Continuous Wave of Action
by anon - ozpoetry Saturday, Feb 22 2014, 1:51am
international / poetry / post

This mixed media presentation was posted to our sister site. We support the message and meme. Be sure to disseminate this message widely. Become part of the Evolution.


i pulled a line
from the garble
shook the crap
off it
and saw that tap
is foot rap
(a rat trap)

u lookin'
for a rhyme?
crap is rap with a
‘c’ for cunt
not c c rider
more like prick
reverse glider
the c c is double cunt
a double cunt glider

r u curious
about the line i pulled?

“i’m writing this song, it ain’t gonna write itself”
(from marshall m)

ask poets and they’ll tell u, m
the less 'u' write
the more the poem writes itself!

it’s about less me more poem,
the more a poem writes itself the better
it reads
a poet merely edits
creation comes from somewhere out there
ya gotta feel sorry for ego-bound rappers,
it’s all about me, me, me,
being somebody, something --
(this) poet is all about being

‘me’ is not an issue
nor is any other personal pronoun,
ya stay saner longer --
avoid fame, recognition, notoriety
but like flies to shit, rappers
are ego-captured they
chase fame and notoriety
and die ignorant/young

'i’m beginning to feel like a crap god
rap god'

poets chase the impulse of creation -- God
rappers chase their own reflection

this is anti-rap,
a poem

The 'me' generation was created by the man to alienate, divide and contain. Today it's no longer the powerless 'me' but the powerful, irresistible 'WE!'

We are everyone and we are everywhere -- we cannot be contained. Catch us if you can -- you would sooner catch your shadow than catch the 'anonyms.'

You cannot catch what you can't see or identify -- we are the anonyms of Anonymous. You would catch your shadow b4 you catch any one of us!

One PEOPLE, one GLOBAL revolution, ONE WAVE of CONTINUOUS ACTION ... it never stops!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1016.html