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Oz Abbott gov continues running errands for Murdoch
by baz Friday, Feb 14 2014, 10:33pm
international / prose / post

The lackey Federal Attorney General, George Brandis, announced yesterday that he intends to implement internet data filtering technologies nationwide; in clear terms, the Murdoch serving, treasonous AG intends to CENSOR freely available data on the Internet. This he intends to do in opposition to recommendations made by the Australian Law Reform Commission that has recommended “fair use” provisions for copyright material in Australia.

Lackeys Tony Abbott (left) and George Brandis
Lackeys Tony Abbott (left) and George Brandis

Of course these provisions do not suit mega-media owners like Murdoch but we should not forget the “gala dinner” Murdoch and other plutocrats held for Abbott prior to installing him into office as their latest errand boy -- which is plain verifiable fact today!

Notwithstanding the clearly treasonous aspects of Abbott’s and his minister’s actions, as they are clearly not representative or in the public or national interest, in fact, Abbott has no mandate to interfere with the existing freedoms and rights of citizens! If he imagines he is able to bulldoze the situation through he need only recall how the public reacted to Gillard’s attempts to do likewise.

Abbott is already being labelled a ‘one term wonder.’ But as a service to Murdoch, Abbott-Brandis intend to go against recommendations made by the ALRC for “fair use,” which I would add already exists in most Western nations, and directly interfere with the personal rights/freedoms of the information-loving (addicted) Australian public, a very dangerous and potentially costly exercise, Tony and George. But let’s face it, both ‘men’/lackeys are true arse-licking conservatives, give our ‘regards’ to mentor John ‘coward’ Howard.

The ALRC recommendations of fair use include enlightened not regressive policies; copyright material could be used for research, criticism, study, review, parody, satire, news reporting, and other NON-COMMERCIAL and private uses WITHOUT obtaining permission from the copyright owner. However, as these recommendation are clearly not in Murdoch’s interests, Brandis and Abbott have decided to make another REGRESSIVE attack on Internet freedoms. It is quite amazing that Internet censorship has been attempted by every successive government since Howard and yet politicians have learnt NOTHING from the very CLEAR message the Oz population has given them on every occasion -- and people imagine Murdoch and other plutocrats are intelligent! Making money is a singular skill and does not necessarily indicate great intelligence, as is clearly evident by Murdoch’s persistent, pathological and obsessive, FAILED, manic pursuits.

In conclusion I would say, give it your best shot, Tony and George, pariah status awaits your next move! Now consider the consequences if you oppose Murdoch AT THIS STAGE, and 'shock horror,’ become a real representative government! What’s he gonna do but spew venom in his rags which would then become a laughing stock if you expose him for the meddling plutocrat he really is; are you reading this Rupert, we have had your measure for some time? However, we are aware that conservatives are cowards and arse-lickers by nature and you have nothing to fear from them, BUT not so the FREE AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC, you American arsehole!

We are READY!

[Disseminate this information to all citizens and trounce all attempts to CENSOR the Internet.]

PDF Document ALRC Full Report

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1003.html