Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Toxic Boomerang
by drex via lexi Wednesday, Feb 5 2014, 11:55am
international / poetry / post


save ur entreaties,
and mute words
fall like silent snow
on deaf ears

few of ur kind
could care less
and the earth
remains indifferent

life changes according
to environmental
nature endures
one way or the other,
it matters not

u lament ur own demise
weep for ur frailty
ur demise
now approaches at speed
u were unable to save day
therefore night is also lost

an appropriate reaction
always follows
a specific action,
everyone knows yet
the species dooms itself
as a direct consequence of its
inability to remedy
morally demanding problems

the climate is askew
creating new conditions
for life but dooming
other species that are
unable to adapt (in time)

from this outcrop
the continuous landscape
spreads in every direction

but changes are now
evident -- denial is the
pursuit of fools and
it is known
among all the religions
that no cowards enter
that realm is reserved for those
with integrity, honesty and valour,
a disappearing breed
on earth

do not cry for me
or ur victims
things are as right as rain

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-990.html