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Bring it to a Head
by slather Saturday, Sep 8 2012, 12:23am
international / prose / post

When appeals to reason and common sense fail, as has been the case over the past few decades, little choice remains; the matter must be expedited and 'brought to a head' in order to drive home the ugly reality ruling elites have in store for slave humanity. In that sense we should all encourage US, Israeli hawks and extremists everywhere to realise their lunatic dreams and sick visions. Indeed, attacking Iran and plunging the world into war would act as a reality pill and shock the masses into the reality that all national leaderships must be put to the sword! It may even facilitate the 'great awakening' that a tiny minority of wealthy evil criminals (plutocrats) cannot indefinitely lord over the global billions, as is the absurd situation today.


In every sphere of influence and every sector of society the exceptional should support the lunatics and allow them enough rope -- sociopaths know no 'reasonable' limits, they would justify killing their families if they deemed it 'necessary' and of course they have already implemented the most heinous and horrendous destructive tactics on the global masses -- would SIX million innocent civilian deaths since the Vietnam war furnish enough proof for the sceptics?

Psychopaths are very easily managed by encouraging their psychopathologies, of which they are completely unaware; our digital elites already offer the means by which ruling psychopaths -- 'you're either with us, or you're with the terrorists,' 'we came, we saw, he died,' 'you won't see it [missile] coming,' the deaths of 500K children 'was worth it,' 'wanted dead or alive,' and of course porno airport X-Ray scans and pervert pat-downs with options to detain anyone indefinitely without charge or trial and even assassinate anyone on an arbitrary presidential 'kill list' -- conduct highly intrusive and repressive surveillance on everyone; not bad going so far, don't YOU think?

However, a most extra-ordinary result has occurred, the masses are passively tolerating these lunatic policies, degrading intrusions, totalitarian oppressions and draconian new laws -- who would have thought? It seems the more the masses are oppressed, the more the oppressed tolerate oppression -- the past decade amply demonstrates the fact!

So, 'underground' elites that function above ground are now faced with open slather options -- the moronic masses will eventually turn, but when who can say, as the current situation would have precipitated massive social revolutions only a few decades past, but 'crowd management techniques' have come a long way since then.

Minority criminal elites are set to install Obama for a second term though the outward show pretends a close race (in your dreams). Obama is a certainty unless external forces are able to tip the scales dramatically. While civilised people do not condone America's 'kill lists' or American style extra-judicial assassinations, reality dictates that a dead man cannot run! Indeed, it is also historical fact that small, highly skilled elite forces have changed the course of history on numerous occasions.

Never lose sight of the fact that numerous options present at all times to those creative, superior intellects with ability and the means to effect dramatic social change.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-99.html