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Kalashnikov dies -- the AK-Guitar and American Ruin
by uri Monday, Dec 23 2013, 11:20pm
international / prose / post

Siberian Russian genius, Mikhail Kalashnikov, dies at 94 proving conclusively that it is nous, inventiveness and skill that prevails not money or brute force -- are you reading this America?

Former UN Secretary, Kofi Annan brandishes an AK-Guitar
Former UN Secretary, Kofi Annan brandishes an AK-Guitar

Russia and the USSR emerged as a world superpower based on the resourcefulness, ingenuity, raw skill and determination of its people. It was not money, finance or abundance -- which thoroughly corrupts and weakens -- that catapulted impoverished Russia to superpower status.

I have long held to the belief -- based on numerous recorded historical instances, including Serbian (slav) Nikola Tesla -- that necessity, raw determination and vision brings out the creative best in humans. And yet perverse America clings to the corrupting and destructive influence of easy money as its principal driving force and motivating factor.

If we look back over the past decade at America’s legacy we witness the raw reality of ruin, destabilisation and misery in the nations the USA has violently ‘liberated’ and occupied.

Though numerous nations have thrown limitless funds in vain attempts to design something better, the Kalashnikov remains the undisputed leading and preferred assault rifle in the world today -- the world’s most superior assault rifle is the Kalashnikov, quite an achievement for its inventor for over half a century.

The versatility of the weapon has been artistically represented by the fully functional AK-Guitar, designed to open up on American terrorist interference in national affairs and during musical concerts -- the symbolism is not lost on the creative spirit and necessity as the mother of invention not money, which always produces second rate items.

Today the spirit of Tesla and Kalashnikov lives on in the underground where astounding advances have been made using the most rudimentary off-the-shelf digital technologies -- some of these developments truly stagger the imagination. Have no doubt whatsoever that the world will soon be restored to civilised democracy after the elimination of minority criminal elites and the cowardly slaves (Obama etc) that serve them; they are truly fit for the slaughter!

Never forget its not guns or any man made object that kills people, it’s people that kill people -- Fiat money and finance-driven AMERICA REMAINS THE WORLD’S LEADING CIVILIAN KILLING, TERRORIST NATION!

See also:

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla

Mikhail Kalashnikov
Mikhail Kalashnikov

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-925.html