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Retroactive 'terrorist law' illegal
by len Tuesday, Nov 5 2013, 9:19pm
international / prose / post

The relatively new, "providing material support for terrorism," law applied retroactively has been deemed illegal by the US Court of Appeals for the 'District of Columbia.' Many former torture victims illegally detained at Guantanamo Bay will seek to overturn previous convictions and apply for compensation based on this ruling.

Torture victim, David Hicks
Torture victim, David Hicks

The ruling applied to a case involving, Salim Hamdan, the former chauffeur to CIA asset Osama Bin Laden.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh qualified his decision with the following notation:

"If the government wanted to charge Hamdan with aiding and abetting terrorism or some other war crime that was sufficiently rooted in the international law of war at the time of Hamdan's conduct, it should have done so .."
It is understood that former torture victims including the Australian David Hicks, who was used as a political pawn by the obsequious to Washington, Howard government of Australia, will be seeking to overturn previous convictions and seeking damages/compensation for improper arrest, illegal detention and TORTURE at the hands of successive criminal U.S. governments.

We wish them every success in their JUST FIGHT against the WORLD'S leading civilian killing, resource pillaging, torturing, CRIMINAL terrorist administrations -- former and current -- of the United States of America.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-879.html