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Fair Warning -- Kosovo Reclamation
by druze Thursday, Sep 19 2013, 9:43pm
international / prose / post

Prior to this global announcement from the patient, LAW ABIDING international Serbian community/fellowship, it must be stated that Kosovo remains LEGALLY sovereign Serbian territory. As such, and in the absence of effective international intervention to restore rightful ownership, Kosovo will be reclaimed by its rightful owners by force if necessary.


Be advised all criminal parties involved in the theft and illegal occupation of Kosovo -- that includes known terrorist groups KLA, NATO and the USA; and to Mr Putin a message; you turn your back on Serbia to your great COST, you corrupt bastard!

Serbs live in every western nation and speak local languages perfectly we are Caucasian Slavs and therefore blend in racially. Invisibility is our greatest weapon -- look to history and marvel at the methods we use to overthrow CRIMINAL Empires -- we are master assassins second to none.

A Final warning:

Restore our sovereign territory or pay a very high price for your continued ILLEGAL occupation -- we are everywhere and nowhere no allied world leader remains safe especially those that have recognised the illegal appropriation of Kosovo. Your criminal masters cannot protect you, you are all sitting ducks and entirely expendable.

You have been advised and given fair warning! Responsibility is now entirely yours.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-825.html