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The Inverse World and ‘double speak’ of Barack ‘Amabo’
by ned Friday, Aug 16 2013, 11:22am
international / prose / post

I could hardly believe my ears when I heard Obama delivering a press statement today in relation to the ongoing violence in Egypt. “We deplore violence against civilians,” he said, while America REMAINS the world’s leading civilian killing nation, notwithstanding the fact that Obama himself presides over a monstrous civilian killing Drone war in which HE compiles ‘kill lists’ for his fleet of Drones! Now, call me old fashioned if you wish but my memory extends past the last 24 hours and my ability to focus and concentrate on one subject exceeds that of reading a postage stamp!

Barack Amabo
Barack Amabo

Should I also mention that I know the meaning of the word HYPOCRISY and can identify a HYPOCRITE in an INSTANT, but then my entire generation is able in this regard -- what then has happened to today’s generation that they calmly accept and tolerate such flagrant inversions of logic, searing double standards and screaming hypocrisies? History notes that no generation tolerated such brazen hypocrisy and contempt from its leaders more than today’s mental lepers!

Read the entire transcript for yourselves and then marvel at the ability of Obama’s handlers and the American ruling criminal elite to lobotomise an entire nation. Fortunately, the remainder of the world has not lost its ability to cogitate and detect a lying piece of dog shit when it confronts its sensibilities -- my God, America, how irretrievably lost you are!

“we deplore violence against civilians .... we oppose the pursuit of martial law, which denies those rights to citizens under the principle that security trumps individual freedom or that might makes right.” [Emphasis added.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-752.html