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Mass Murderer John Howard tells Aussies to “get a life!”
by pat Wednesday, Aug 14 2013, 3:03am
international / prose / post

Former PM John ‘coward’ Howard, in an ill-considered and sloppy effort to support Tony Abbott, today told Australian citizens to “get a life;” Howard is an expert on the taking of life so his comment had all the more impact. History records Howard as a member of the coalition of willing war criminals, with Bush and Blair; he LIED to the good citizens of Australia in order to involve Oz in an illegal American war based on orchestrated/deliberate LIES, which resulted in the slaughter of over one MILLION innocent civilians, four million displaced persons and a ruined State -- an event that amounted to the first human HOLOCAUST of the 21st century, an achievement of which any inhuman being could be proud!

Howard and Abbott, lackeys to the Plutocrats
Howard and Abbott, lackeys to the Plutocrats

Today reprehensible cockroach, Howard, emerged from his crevice to support fellow conservative and amoral candidate to high office in Australia; Tony Abbott, who is now infamous for his thoughtless sexist comments, seemed pleased to receive the support -- Abbott publicly stated that a female conservative candidate had “sex appeal.” Apparently many took offence over Abbott’s comment and so it was Howard to the rescue; Abbott is seen with his arm around a known, lying, mass murdering, war criminal giving advice on “LIFE;” the irony is not lost on the informed. Howard’s status as a mass murderer, liar, war criminal and reprehensible COWARD is verifiable historical FACT for any Aussie that cares to research the matter.

Former PM Paul Keating stated publicly that Howard ‘lied us into the Iraq war,’ and so, by consequence every innocent civilian life lost as a result of that criminal intervention indicts Howard, Bush and Blair -- that is reality pure and simple and no amount of disregard or ‘media/social management’ is able to alter recorded HISTORICAL facts!

The important aspects of this story are injustice and lawlessness in government and of course ensuring that neither (owned) major party gains office -- both serve exactly the same minority criminal interests.

Aussies have a real option at the forthcoming federal election to RESTORE representative DEMOCRACY to the nation. A vote for the major parties is a vote wasted or worse is a vote that weakens and subverts Australian democracy and threatens our sovereignty -- FIVE (5) U.S. nuclear capable bases and a permanent foreign troop presence tell the treasonous story.

VOTE representative independents to both Houses to restore Democracy and return the nation to the people. Australia is no-one's convenience or nuclear target!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-749.html