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Peoples’ Victory in Egypt Portends Regional Reform
by judd Thursday, Jul 4 2013, 12:12pm
international / prose / post

As a result of massive civil protests in Egypt fundamentalist President Morsi has been deposed and a judge of the high court installed as an interim president until the matter is decided by the people, the military must be subordinate to the will of the people. It seems that the Arab Spring may have finally become a real peoples’ movement -- let’s hope it has and remains so. Moderates have secured an important victory by an overwhelming show of force which forced the military to remove Morsi from power -- 14 million citizens demanding a similar outcome is difficult to ignore.

The Egyptian example should inspire other Arab and North African nations to oust their US supported dynastic and despotic regimes; Kingdoms and Sultanates are anachronistic forms of rule and the sooner they are eliminated the better for the entire region.

The next nation in desperate need of reform by moderates is of course NATO/US ravaged Libya where the US installed a fundamentalist regime in order to facilitate resource theft. Regional populations should now arrange to liberate Libya from foreign meddling; people are entitled to make their own decisions and choose their own forms of government.

Perhaps after the entire world restores or adopts representative democracy as the preferred form of government, the US may return to majority rule itself but little hope is held for America as COURAGE is required of its citizenry to effect all social reforms and change and the world is acutely aware that the US population is the most oppressed and cowardly in the developed WORLD today.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-677.html