Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Superficial Minds ..
by ryall Sunday, Jun 30 2013, 12:20am
international / poetry / post

superficial minds
imagine beauty
resides in the skin
whereas the heart
contains and transmits
its nature as beauty
or the ugly
darkness that prevails

superficial minds
believe what they are told
by the lying, deceitful media
and its paid servants --
u expect truth from
owned servants? wake up!

superficial minds
withdraw when the LIES
and heinous crimes
of politicians are exposed,
people with integrity demand
JUSTICE and do not waver
in their demands or efforts
until justice is done

superficial minds
are easily led
to destruction
like sheep to the slaughter,
real human beings RESIST
those that would destroy
everything of beauty, harmony
and splendour.

the world has been plunged
into unecessary permanent war
so a very few obscenely
wealthy sociopaths and criminals
are able to make more profits,
whatever the cost in human lives
or destruction to our environment

superficial minds
are self-seeking hedonists
constantly serving
their own interests
like pigs at a trough;
whereas we are our brothers'
and sisters' keepers,
our humanity binds us
we understand we are nothing
without each other

PEOPLE with integrity are
not riddled with fear
they see, plan, calculate
and are ALWAYS

as for superficial minds,
ruin and slavery
is their permanent

for you,
heart of my love
focus of my desire.
light of my soul -
u know i cannot waver
or relent,
make ur choice.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-665.html