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Gillard deposed: "Australians deserve better than this" -- opposition leader
by baz Wednesday, Jun 26 2013, 12:41pm
international / prose / post

In the wake of yet another bloodletting in Oz politics, opposition leader Tony 'slasher' Abbott says 'Australia deserves better than this,' which is probably the most cogent statement made relating to yesterdays leadership musical chairs game that the doomed Labor Party likes to play.

But Abbott's intended meaning is overshadowed by the literal meaning, indeed, Oz does deserve better than Abbott, Rudd or Gillard; the three of them are probably the most woefully inadequate political figures in Oz history.

Abbott has already been handed a shopping list by the plutocrats and it's 'slash, slash, slash,' all the way, while the plutocrats gain more freedom to rape and despoil the nation.

Gillard on the other hand was so busy pleasing the same plutocrats and Washington that she completely forgot the people that elected her to office, and try as everyone did to refer her back to Labor's support base, Gillard's remarkable insularity won out.

Labor's current leader Kevin déjà vu Rudd is a pathological narcissist and a 'do nothing' politician, he is a known quantity placed in power by Murdoch, though he fell into disfavour with the King-maker due to his self-willed nature. It was then arranged that Gillard should replace him, a rushed decision no doubt, as Gillard proved to be 'people repellent,' political poison. Gillard couldn't sell honey to a bee, such is her stunning lack of political savvy -- I need not go into her dishonesty, treachery and amazing insularity again.

Now, you might say what bad judges of character the plutocrats are and you wouldn't be wrong but theirs is a rigged table, they own both major political parties and regard all politicians as expendable utilities. That is why it is CRITICAL that the Oz population RESTORE representative government, Democracy, to Australia at the next federal election -- VOTE REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office at every opportunity and spare the nation another dose of the likes of Gillard, Rudd or Abbott.

It is said the people deserve their government -- well for mine, Australia deserves better than the servile lackeys that are constantly pushed by the privately owned mass media. Yes indeed, political sycophants and lackeys to minority interests are easily identified by their cauliflower ears, callouses on their knees and custard faces. Rudd, Gillard and Abbott are classic examples, so let's not have a repeat performance.

Do not play political charades again, boycott the major parties and vote for anyone that represents your interests -- that's how real democracy works.

Go Oz!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-659.html