Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by saph Saturday, Jun 22 2013, 12:35pm
international / poetry / post

Hermann Goering suicide
Hermann Goering suicide

there is nothing sophisticated
about a fuck
tho i am not inclined to
rhapsodise the basics

there is nothing sophisticated
about love
tho its expansive euphoria
has produced countless
songs, poems
sacrifices, raptures -
a heart here an empty
chest cavity there
but search frenetically
and you will not locate
sophistication in love

the word is thoroughly bourgeois
and as we know the bourgeoisie
have no notion of love, as it evades
order, cataloguing and critique

i can assure those who may
imagine it's a feign; there is nothing
sophisticated about me;
my father was an aristocrat
decadent and useless,
my mother a socially mobile
peasant who fucked and sucked
her way into the Marshal’s inner
circle. adored by the secret police,
they furnished prized papers and passports

part aristocrat and cunning sewer rat, there
is definitely nothing bourgeois/anal

the word is best left to the neck-ties
and contracted anuses it applies to,
tho a notable exception
exists, Hermann Goering

while Nazi fascists were plundering
resources and mass murdering
Hermann Goering was plundering
Europe’s most famed Art galleries,
'i reach for my pistol whenever
anyone mentions culture,'
he once declared
a juxtaposition which
reflects Goering's true sophistication.

now consider today's American fascists
they invade and bee-line the oil ministry
ignoring museums and galleries,
leaving priceless artefacts
to thieves and black marketeers

how ever you choose to describe
rustic Americans u could never use
the word, sophisticated

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-649.html