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NT elections verify Gillard as Political Poison
by regard Sunday, Aug 26 2012, 12:29am
international / prose / post

After slaughters in other State elections the Northern Territory offered no surprises with a win for conservatives; however, what is surprising is the obstinate refusal of the LABOR PARTY, at both STATE and FEDERAL levels, to ACKNOWLEDGE and accept the OBVIOUS -- that Gillard is RESPONSIBLE for all Labor's recent defeats and that she is pure POLITICAL POISON. Never has the nation known such a universally reviled PM as lying and duplicitous, Julia Gillard.

Yes, you!
Yes, you!

She is an affront to everything Australian.

One can only marvel at the mass media headlines covering the defeat for Labor, the SMH reads: "Federal Labor distances itself from NT loss." However, reality dictates something every non-politician knows that Gillard is the DIRECT CAUSE (wholly responsible) for Labor's disastrous results in the States and Territories. It is ludicrous to even pretend that she could "distance" herself from the consequences of HER unrepresentative, undemocratic actions.

What the Oz population is in fact learning is that the working structure of the Labor Party is in dire need of radical REFORM; its antiquated factional system is preventing URGENT change and ensuring certain defeat for decades to come.

Without reform Oz can expect another Labor slaughter at the Federal election.

We should also mention that choosing the 'other' puppet major Party is not a VIABLE solution -- if you want representation VOTE real INDEPENDENTS TO OFFICE AT ALL TIMES IN EVERY ELECTION.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-63.html