Crowd Management and the Snowden ‘Revelations’
by gus Thursday, Jun 13 2013, 2:11am
international /
prose /
Claims, counter claims, spin and propaganda are used by all governments everywhere; these methods are as old as ancient Egypt where ruling elites were successfully ‘sold’ to the masses as Gods. Later rulers, Alexander and the Emperors of Rome, all utilised the same methods and there is nothing new under the sun regarding propaganda and crowd management today -- though no-one pretends to be a God they just act as though they are omnipotent! So it may be time to get a grip on current events and cut through the mix of truth, garbage, spin, static and plain bulllshit.
Today we have numerous opposing views on the authenticity of Ed Snowden’s 'revelations’ -- mostly centreing on the PRISM slide presentation, which any semiotician could verify as an authentic training piece or fabricated for other purposes, if it was publicly released in its entirety; this process is simplicity itself for specialists, so the sooner the ENTIRE slide presentation is released the better. But for now let’s step back out of the media buzz and take a historical view and easily determine that nothing 'revealed’ by Snowden is really new, in fact it is old hat news, commonly known among the informed.
It is historical FACT that the NSA has been collecting, ‘vacuuming,’ data (that means everything) all forms of communication since it was able to do so; for at least 30 years to my knowledge, probably earlier for those that track these developments. It is also fact that the major Telcos and carriers in the US regularly release data to US agencies -- however, in more recent times digital technology has allowed for the DIRECT routing of communications data to NSA servers. All these events and developments have been published over the YEARS -- for at least a decade -- and more recently these shadowy practices have been 'legalised' (retroactively) by law makers in Washington! So there you have it, sourced from KNOWN historically verified REALITY.
The NSA is conducting pan-surveillance on the globe and it is conducting it ‘legally’ at home, secretly in allied nations and illegally in independent foreign nations. This process will continue and only become more invasive until such time as THE PEOPLE -- the GLOBAL POPULATION -- decide to restore Justice and Democracy to their respective nations.
But here is the cogent point for people (EVERYONE) that forever find themselves deliberately misinformed or confused by all the bull that saturates the media today.
Whenever sensational claims are made, followed by the usual counter-claims and spin, in both directions, TURN TO THE FOUNDING FATHERS FOR CLARITY -- whoever, REGARDLESS of STATION, threatens YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS and LIBERTIES is YOUR/THE ENEMY -- that is verified historical fact/REALITY! Now ask yourself who constantly attacks, dismisses and makes the most aggressive and obvious assaults on the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Yes indeed, Washington and every corrupt and bought politician that scampers and scurries in the halls of power. Every successive administration since Clinton is guilty of attacking and eroding OUR rights as set down by the Founding Fathers -- but none moreso than the Bush and Obama regimes; it’s as clear as can be!
The discourse is not about revealing what is already known it is about returning power to a CONSTANTLY DISTRACTED population and restoring Freedom, Liberty and Justice to the Land.