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Shit Floats!
by effie Wednesday, Jun 12 2013, 1:29pm
international / prose / post

A very fortunate occurrence indeed -- and what is the highest floating TURD in the limitless ocean today? The US government report on the 9/11 attack, of course; second is Hollywood Seal Team 6, which went to all that trouble to assassinate a man that had died of renal failure YEARS before. Add to this list yourself, but the real message of this post is the profound GRATITUDE we would like to express for the brave young men and women that have EXPOSED the USA as the most criminal State on the planet.

Our profound thanks and gratitude go to:

Bradley Manning -- a giant of a man and Hero of our time

Edward Snowden -- Surveillance State Whistleblower

Julian Assange -- for facilitating the process of Whistleblowing

In these times never take anything at face value and demand proof of all government claims.

The abundant evidence that exists on the 9/11 attack all points to a false flag operation or inside job.

Consider the broadly publicised deaths of Saddam and Gaddafi and the extreme LACK of the minutest piece of real EVIDENCE to verify Bin Laden's death at the hands (flippers) of trained seals. It's extremely problematic for LIARS that forensic science today is able to read human tissue almost like a history book, so whadiya know, no tissue or other samples of Hollywood Bin Laden have been made available for independent analysis -- and you would think the Executive would be straining its neck to prove the kill!

We would also like extend our profound thanks to all the bloggers, activists hackers and others that refuse to allow the flame of TRUTH to be extinguished -- we salute you all!

Rest assured -- the evil cabals, polluting corporatists, Bankers, Wall St Rogues and their political servants are all living on borrowed time -- it is the beginning of the end for them.

RIP Aaron Swartz -- murdered by the DOJ and US Executive.

And never forget, in the DIGITAL age IT TAKES ONLY ONE to overthrow corrupt governments and restore democracy and Justice to nations, indeed, to the entire world!


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-623.html