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Aussie beer swilling wine imbibing Morons fall for the same old TRICK!
by ocker Monday, Jun 3 2013, 11:39pm
international / prose / post

A news poll released today indicates a wipeout at the next Federal Election for the REVILED Gillard government -- that is hardly news as Gillard single handedly destroyed the entire Labor movement in Oz, Federal and State. Yet Labor power brokers and rank and file were unable to save their party and so they sit paralysed in anticipation of the forthcoming slaughter, thanks to the efforts of their traitorous leader who flagged her allegiance to the Corporate elites when as deputy leader under Rudd, Gillard publicly stated she would allow Corporate bosses to spy on the private emails and other personal digital communications of their employees -- the policy clearly failed but her ADVERTISEMENT to the elites was received loud and clear and Rudd was ingloriously dispatched soon after!

Abbott and Gillard, traitorous lackeys to MINORITY interests
Abbott and Gillard, traitorous lackeys to MINORITY interests

However, the issue is the Oz population will find no satisfaction with either major party as BOTH are completely OWNED by Corporate elites and Washington. Oz today is an occupied nation with an INSULTING US troop presence in peace time on OUR soil. Leaders of both major parties merely act as governors to US and commercial interests while those interests RAPE the nation for everything it is worth AND TAKE THE PROFITS OFFSHORE -- that is the historical and current reality, research it for yourselves.

Is there a solution to the absurd CHARADE of democratic elections between two parties that serve the same interests? Well of course there is, look up the word DEMOCRACY and understand its MEANING -- democracy is MAJORITY RULE, pure and simple, directly or via representation. The SOLUTION stares everyone in the face and Aussies are not as stupid as the yanks to fall for a one stable two horse race!

At EVERY government election simply VOTE for REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS -- that means people who have YOUR interests at heart, independents that champion the people's wishes -- and ENSURE that you NEVER vote for minority elite interests via the two major political (sell-out) parties ever again.

Australia is EASILY able to restore democracy and return the nation's wealth to its RIGHTFUL OWNERS -- the P-E-O-P-L-E -- something the two major parties are comprehensively unable to accomplish. Labor today is as big a sell-out as Liberal -- make no mistake about it.

So at every election VOTE FOR YOURSELF -- VOTE REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS INTO OFFICE, FEDERAL AND STATE and rid this nation of foreign parasites and the traitorous lackeys that serve them.

US peace time occupation troops, Darwin
US peace time occupation troops, Darwin

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-598.html