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Totalitarian US Regime Intrudes on Media Privacy
by spleen Wednesday, May 15 2013, 10:00pm
international / prose / post

Errand boy to the plutocrats, Eric Holder, abused his office once again and demanded phone records from the Associated Press mass media organization -- how does INACTION in the face of Nazism feel now, PEOPLE?

Attorney General, Eric 'errand boy' Holder
Attorney General, Eric 'errand boy' Holder

What amazes me is that some Americans are offended by this clearly massive intrusion. Is it a case of delayed reaction or just plain social retardation?

Prior to this 'little' INTRUSION we had the introduction without massive social uprising or persistent challenge of an extra-judicial 'kill list,' indefinite detention without charge or trial and a locked down major city by paramilitary police -- does it get any worse than that? I suppose yes, gas chambers! But "we've only just begun," goes the popular lyric and puppet administration!

Lackeys and servants come in all colors as do traitors and corrupt politicians, don't they, Eric and Barack? You reprehensible treasonous scum -- hanging is too good for anti-American scoundrels and sell-outs like You. And to think, all Nixon did to earn impeachment was a little break and enter; my, how times have changed in America.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-559.html