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The musings of scientists over the 'beginning' of the universe
by reg Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 2:14am
international / prose / post

You would think that after centuries of recorded declarations emphatically stating that the universe is INFINITE -- which means it has no BEGINNING or END -- the modern scientific community would have caught on by now, but no, scientists are bound by their own self-imposed limitation of 'measurement,' which word in Sanskrit (ma-ya, 'to measure') means illusory! How do you measure infinity?

It should also be noted that numerous uncannily similar accounts of the infinite nature of existence or the universal process of creation spontaneously arose from diverse cultures without any known cultural exchange occurring -- which should have warranted some research from those that seek experiential evidence of cosmic/existential CONTINUITY or INFINITY.

So how, pray tell, did these ancient to modern 'explorers' discover the ONE continuous reality of existence independently of each other?

Again the answer is OBVIOUS, but the scientific community can't see for looking, frankly, it's a wonder that some of them can find their dicks to have a piss; so I guess we'll just have to spell it out AGAIN for the zillionth time since the dawn of humankind!

INFINITY by definition is ALL INCLUSIVE, so everything that exists is connected in a PROCESS of continuous creation; it is self-evident that humans are also part of this process and as such are able to understand the nature of existence quite easily by simply connecting to that process, notwithstanding that some aberrant and perverse mental limitations must be cleared before clarity is achieved.

The 'measuring-form making' aspect of man is the MIND -- a cultural creation via the medium of (finite) language in which all culture (shared values) take root and become a self-sustaining 'reality' for those that share that common 'ground' or experience -- this should be obvious to anyone with a functional brain?

Now, where does that 'mind' go in profound sleep or in a state of 'unconsciousness?' Given that the mind is NOT constant it is therefore not the fundamental basis of cognitive/appreciation or CONTINUOUS experience! Are we getting warm yet, you scientific dunces?

Mind is dependent for its existence on another aspect/quality of the human BEING, take a guess now, morons? Of course, eureka! It is CONSCIOUSNESS, the continuous all embracing aspect of the human being that is also the connecting principle to the process of continuous creation!

Measurable FINITE culture of course blocks any appreciation of the INFINITE by quality and definition; INFINITY and the FINITE are mutually exclusive, now why didn't I think of that? Sorry, but no apologies, I could never fathom the idiocy of the majority of humans when reality is staring them in the face.

The next QUESTION should be, how do I achieve clarity or EXPERIENCE the unrestrained process of beginningless/endless consciousness? You see, infinity is extremely KINETIC because it is CONTINUOUS; therefore it is a PROCESS of constant CREATION! Well, the answer to the above question in a word is, 'EASILY!' Simply eliminate the obstructing/veiling principles which are all contained in the MIND (how very, very convenient) and you too will SEE as so many have seen before you. In other words, remove that which superimposes limitations/measurement on a limitless INFINITE medium and you will be spontaneously released into the beginningless/endless process of creation -- and how very enlightening and Blissful that experience is.

So please note all scientific dunderheads -- attempting to discover a cosmic 'beginning' that doesn't exist is not only the height of futility it is also the height of STUPIDITY!

Follow link if you wish to appreciate the 'wonders' of the scientific mind:

And if you are ever challenged by some scientific imbecile, simply ask how one would go about measuring infinity!


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-54.html