Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Temple Diva
by lex Friday, Apr 12 2013, 10:21am
international / poetry / post


female vocal invokes
the Gods --
[hit] the low and high
notes girl
pour it all out

from temple virgins
intoning chants
the female voice
ascends, echoes
striking domes
reverberating through
spine and being

the ear merely introduces
a vibration which synchronises
with the first sound,
the logos
the vocal utterance
that brought existence
into Being

the female voice is more powerful
than the male as
it issues from every cavity
in the female body

what hope a male [voice]
-- women sing
with their throats
lungs and
the unique power
is drawn from the womb
through the lungs
and is projected thru the
throat but always
finds its source
in the vagina

draw it all out woman

maleness projects
but lacks resonance,
the womb shapes
and contours
every sound
investing it with meaning
before it rises
thru the lungs
to issue thru the throat

sing divine/sublime,
sing me to death and life
again and again


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-485.html