Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Face to Face
by quill Sunday, Mar 3 2013, 9:22pm
international / poetry / post

What is he/she or it, like?
how does one describe
infinity in finite terms?
a minor problem
a challenge worthy of a mystic

it is precisely this ability
that defines mystic poets
but i am such a rascal
and shameless fraud
that i borrow from
cultural archetypes,
solar metaphors
and allusions
to describe the countenance of
God – that’s right, el supremo,
King cosmic dick of the universe
-- show some respect --
the signifier of everything,
but denoter of no-thing
is precisely to what i refer;
tread carefully here
the artifice is word play

with the palette that language
scribes and poets
have enslaved entire cultures for centuries;
the created Gods that enslave the feeble minded
are all culture specific products --
rather an odd inversion
for an all-powerful
cosmic Being,
don’t u think?

one ‘sacred’ text written in Sanskrit
another in Hebrew and others in Greek
and Arabic;
surely that gives the game away

man created God, pure and simple
as such we are the overlords
of our creation
we send our Gods to do errands,
like terrify children and enslave the masses,
feign Love
yet threaten eternal torment
teach peace, but kill innocent
women and children
and lay waste to entire cities

it’s safe to relegate God
to pathological conditions,
contradictions inherent
in all human beings

but i should be more generous
and forthright if questioned
about one of my creations:
God is the source
of all our joy and sorrow,
agony and bliss --
the budding perfumed rose is God
as is the dog shit on your shoe

Zen teaches -- if you encounter Buddha
on the road, kill him,
i teach, if u encounter Jehovah,
fuck him up the arse
order Jesus to perform oral sex
and give a good reaming
to Holy virgins,
their sacred young twats
require conditioning
for the next immaculate fabulation

wake up
and grow up, morons
use the brain
nature provided

allow nothing to enslave
or regulate you --
u are sovereign
conjurers of reality,
creators of Gods and slaves

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-434.html