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Into the Political Abyss for Detested Gillard Government
by dasha Sunday, Feb 3 2013, 11:36am
international / prose / post

The latest effort to elect former censorship and current minister for red underpants headdress, Stephen Conroy, as the leader of the Senate is probably as good an indicator as any other that it's all downhill for the Oz Labor Party -- clearly, there is a heavy price to pay for hanging onto reviled Juliar Gillard, who is political poison on two legs and bobbing bird head.

Juliar Gillard, the most reviled PM in Oz political history
Juliar Gillard, the most reviled PM in Oz political history

Gillard is responsible for every Labor slaughter in the States yet mindless Labor Party morons hang on until she completes her clean sweep of Labor from the Australian political landscape for decades to come.

The Labor Party is in free fall; the Gillard era will make for good reading for future students of Oz politics, she is everything contrary to a successful, patriotic, independent leader -- talk about sucking American and Corporate cock and selling Oz sovereignty for a farthing.

Good bloody riddance to all Labor losers -- this is not America morons, Aussies have memories!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-385.html