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Choose Life
by ben Tuesday, Jan 29 2013, 10:45am
international / prose / post

The past few decades have seen the rise of conservatism around the globe; the result is fundamentalist ideologies prevail and the world is what it is today -- a grotesque expression/portrait of ultra-analism, control freaking (violence) gone mad but it serves to teach the sane few the folly of formulated prescriptions superimposed on a fluid universal medium, existence! Yes, in case you hadn’t noticed, the infinite universe is in a state of constant FLUX -- that means nothing remains the same for an instant, how could it, infinity implies kinesis constant movement expansion. If infinity ‘stopped’ it would provide a reference point and become measurable or finite.

You should now be able to deduce that conservatives are in dread of unpredictable change, in other words they fear existence, LIFE; that is why millennial religions appeal to anal conservatives.

Conservatives are obsessed with absolutes, measurable realities, prescriptions; they consequently pursue stasis, death, entropy, annihilation with a vengeance; however, they usually disguise their suicidal pursuit as religious ascension, rapture, millennialism or science. Texts saturated with behavioural prohibitions are adopted by conservatives as the ‘rule’ or standard by which to live their miserable linear ‘lives.’

I once de-constructed an image of a Muslim woman waving the Koran before the camera, asserting its dominance over her completely draped formlessness. Yet the book was inanimate, DEAD, the woman, however, was alive, but her completely covered appearance betrayed a fear of living expression; she was denying her own living body and face in deference to the dictates of a dead book, as if anything dead could know anything of the living! Stasis knows nothing of the continuous flow of living existence, the woman was a very clear case of life deferring to death -- I would add that Christians and Jews are no better.

Now, what characterises the new conservative 21st century? War, destruction, civilian holocausts, ‘kill lists,’ etc., DEATH, in a word -- ARE WE SURPRISED?

So the obvious question is how long can anything that subscribes to stasis/death resist universal flux or life? The answer is not very long at all, expect conservatism to continue its manic anal contractionism until it implodes, it has nowhere else to go, while life continues forever. A sentient rational human being would be mad to follow fearful, control freaks/conservatives ‘lemmings’ over a cliff.

Withdraw your support from those that subscribe to death, religion or conservatism/control in any form whatsoever. It is fascinating to watch conservatives implode once their energy is focused on themselves.

This entire discourse could be summed up in two words , CHOOSE LIFE!

audio Truth hurts, lies kill

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-373.html