Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Sydney 115F - Hottest Day on Record
by toni Friday, Jan 18 2013, 11:59am
international / prose / post

All Environmental Pollution is an External Expression of Internal Pollution

As Sydney swelters in 46C or 115F degrees the mind is forced to question the cause and address the problem of this climatic anomaly.


The entire world is also experiencing climatic extremes and costly weather events.

The cause is known and yet almost nothing adequate is being done about reducing industrial pollution, as it would affect the Corporate bottom line -- corporations have spent millions on lobbying politicians to deny, stall and counter any possible obstruction to their activities. Please be aware that all the talk about climate change and mitigating the effects of climate change has only resulted in a Goldman Sachs plan to trade in carbon credits in order for financial and commercial interests to profit from pollution! However, the simple remedy is to curtail pollution not trade in it.

The problem and remedy has been commercialised rather than directly addressed by government with regulation.

Of primary concern is the social acceptance by the masses of commercial interests destroying our world for personal gain and profit. This most extraordinary situation has a very clear cause and that is the perversity of individual consciousness. Before we pollute and destroy our environment/each other we must have a pathology which predisposes us to self-destruction. In other words, external pollution is but a symptom of internal psychological perversity/pollution.

Prior to any lasting social change there must be a permanent change in the consciousness of the population or to put it another way, the prerequisite of social change is individual change.

So, in the full knowledge of the above simple fact we can expect complete political, social and environmental failure. Only when the intolerable becomes intolerable would a chance for survival present itself.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-351.html