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Monstrous! -- The Fake tear of a child killing President
by orson Saturday, Dec 22 2012, 10:22pm
international / prose / post

There are charades and charades but none more monstrous than those that veil mass murder and monumental crimes against all humanity.


Obama, during a scripted press conference shed a fake tear while addressing the lunacy of the indiscriminate murder of innocents in the United States.

For those that do not recall Obama's first signed public combat order, it was to authorise an illegal Drone attack in Pakistan which resulted in the senseless MURDER of INNOCENT women and CHILDREN! How's that for openers?

If any doubt remains regarding Obama's true sociopathic criminal status consider that HIS Drone war campaign has only increased ten-fold since that first order and so too the CONSCIOUS murder of innocent CHILDREN!

As assassin and Murderer-in-Chief, Obama takes direct and full responsibility for these child killings -- INFANTICIDE -- and his outrageous, mafia extra-judicial 'KILL LIST,' which he brandishes as a badge of honour! O, to what depths has the Republic plunged?

Obama, we shouldn't forget is a selectee president, the first choice of the ruling executive at the time was Colin Powell, who declined the offer. So we have a second choice performer on our hands, a completely bought and owned servant to the plutocrats who is PARTY to their mass murdering methods. In a word we are dealing with an OVERT criminal and F-A-K-E!

How this story ends is up to YOU ....

[Burying our heads in the national sands of denial and surrendering our self-determination to criminals is NOT a solution.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-310.html