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Australia -- Homosexual Marriage and a Distracted, Nose-ringed CONSERVATIVE Nation
by les Tuesday, Nov 14 2017, 9:16pm
international / prose / post

Australians, like their moronic, media-enslaved American cousins, have fallen for ultra-conservative values dressed in ‘radical’ clothes. Homosexual issues, which group comprise a tiny percentage of any population, have been used by conservative authoritarian forces to distract from the critical and major SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL and FINANCIAL inequities and concerns that confront the overwhelming world MAJORITY, particularly Australians.

Homosexuals TODAY, in stark contrast to the radical homosexuals of the 80‘s, that marched openly in the streets and confronted police state CONSERVATIVE values, won their freedom to marry, though they had gained, decades past, equal rights under the law as couples. So what really occurred with Australia voting on homosexual marriage?

Clearly a major WIN for ultra-conservative values, which have their origins in the Abrahamic theological traditions of Judaism, Islamism and Christianity but merged to the capitalist social revolution of the 19th century which formulated the model of an alienated nuclear family in order to destroy the power of clan/village/tribal systems, which by their independent and military nature, presented an obstruction to a pliable work/slave force for capitalist exploitation, which primary goal/objective was PROFIT for the elite ruling class FEW.

Now, numerous anthropologists of repute have outlined the ‘marriage’ practices of hundreds of traditional, non-capitalist cultures for anyone to research, and none emulate the alienated nuclear family (father, mother, child) model, which opposes the numerous ‘fathers, mothers’ of clans/tribes traditional groups, in which abuse of partners and children was unknown, as potential victims would have been able to seek safety in the numbers of partners parents, so wife and child abuse did not flourish or even exist in traditional marriage/family structures, which models have proven themselves to be vastly superior to the well being of any community but not useful for capitalist EXPLOITATION. Whereas the nuclear family model has allowed horrific abuse of partners and children as it is an insular/secretive socially isolated unit, contained within a perverse, entirely unnatural, unequal, unfair and exploitative social system which is the model that Australian homosexuals have fought for and won -- well, congratulations you dumb, blind fucks and welcome to nuclear family hell you deluded, CONSERVATIVE gays and lesbians; OR welcome to heaven for the controlling, anally fixated, abusive types that wish to exert their pathological need to control and dominate or to acquiesce and be submissive/passive, which is characteristic of homosexual alliances globally, the passive-dominant, gay couple.

Horrific physical, mental, violent and sexual ABUSE is known today to stem from the isolated socially alienated by nature, nuclear family MODEL, a well established and PROVEN fact, as such abuse is impossible in open multiple-mother/father relationships simply because of its socially OPEN nature.

Now consider how the entire Australian population has been captivated by political design to a minority inconsequential BUT EMOTIVE matter to the exclusion of SERIOUS majority and critical issues of incompetent governance, gross financial inequality, infantile slavery to the USA and its lunatic leader etc; indeed Australians are witnessing a flea on the tail of a dog wagging the dog, given the tiny percentage of homosexuals in the nation.

Now consider the mechanisms employed to dupe an entire nation into asserting conservative values by presenting a care-less issue as something that is of critical importance; I would add here that the majority of traditional Aussies couldn’t give a fuck on this issue, ‘let them marry,’ they say, with a grin. However, it has become an issue that has gripped the nation, simply due to the fact that the media, again by design, as it is owned by ruling plutocrats, assists their puppet politicians whenever the need arises, after all, almost all Aussies are aware that major political parties serve minority elites not the people. Nevertheless, as Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays has so astutely advised American ruling elites, a crowd is led by their emotions NOT reason or rationality. So choose an emotive issue to distract the crowd from their real plight and hardships and run with it, to frame it in modern parlance. Which was done to perfection with an inconsequential, to most, minority issue; furthermore, the ultra-conservative agenda was also served as the issue involved an antiquated arch-conservative value (marriage) that Aussies lapped up without thinking, but that is the point, emotions, assisted no end by media hype, overrule reason every time.

Oz ruling elites have done it again and visionless, inept politicians have breathed a sigh of relief that for the moment their grossly incompetent record is no longer the focus of the public -- but for how long? Cheap tricks have a very short life expectancy.

For those interested in crowd management/control, I would list the following links, and take note that Gustav le Bon was one of Goebbels' favourite authors:




Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2994.html